As a rental property owner in Washington for 27 years this is illegal by law and just plain way out of line as a sister. Your significant other needs to stand up to his sister. You should always have a quality, attorney reviewed rental agreement in place no matter who you rent from.
Thanks for your input. I’m researching attorneys to call on Monday right now. I am not on the lease agreement, and as far as I know the lease agreement he has with her is very basic. My partner is totally open to taking legal action, and/or just moving.
you should probably consider "moving," because if you win in civil court,
you'll lose in family court... that he said - she said situation is gonna be a tough nut to crack
lurker-1969 t1_j77yn7s wrote
As a rental property owner in Washington for 27 years this is illegal by law and just plain way out of line as a sister. Your significant other needs to stand up to his sister. You should always have a quality, attorney reviewed rental agreement in place no matter who you rent from.