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Brandowmayor t1_j8pbu2z wrote

Lakewood is very different depending on what part of the city you are in. The areas near the lakes towards the NW side of town are very nice and pretty quiet, whereas the the SE part of town near JBLM is one of the highest crime areas in greater Tacoma. YMMV.

Also keep in mind that the downtown/city center area of Tacoma is at the far northeast side of Tacoma, not actually in the center.


Stabbymcappleton t1_j8t4ll5 wrote

Yep. “Downtown” is just the banking district. It’s a ghost town after hours. The real life of Tacoma is in the neighborhoods. Proctor, Hilltop, Ruston, 6th Ave, Old Town, etc.
back in the 90’s, there used to be a bunch of dance clubs like Drakes and comedy clubs and a huge pool hall/arcade called Jillion’s. There was The Swiss. Oh and a shitty, shitty line dancing redneck hick bar called McHale’s where people liked to stab each other in the parking lot while their cowboy boots slipped around on chew spit.


Law_Easy t1_j8x1sx3 wrote

This was a jolt to my geriatric heart lol. The loft on pac Ave.


Stabbymcappleton t1_j8zcfgd wrote

I wandered into McHales rocking an ass-length ponytail. I thought I was about to die. I bought the only bottle of Budweiser I’ve ever had since 3rd grade, pounded it and GTFO. I thought I was a goner.
There was another shithole dive called The Pegasus that I went to with a bunch of Puyallup tribal members, and it was ok. I went there alone a couple weeks later, and the bartender told me to get out while I still could. It was a “run while you still have legs” warning. She gave me a coupon on a coaster for the rum and coke I ordered. I still have it. It’s been 30 years.