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Stabbymcappleton t1_j8t4ll5 wrote

Yep. “Downtown” is just the banking district. It’s a ghost town after hours. The real life of Tacoma is in the neighborhoods. Proctor, Hilltop, Ruston, 6th Ave, Old Town, etc.
back in the 90’s, there used to be a bunch of dance clubs like Drakes and comedy clubs and a huge pool hall/arcade called Jillion’s. There was The Swiss. Oh and a shitty, shitty line dancing redneck hick bar called McHale’s where people liked to stab each other in the parking lot while their cowboy boots slipped around on chew spit.


Law_Easy t1_j8x1sx3 wrote

This was a jolt to my geriatric heart lol. The loft on pac Ave.


Stabbymcappleton t1_j8zcfgd wrote

I wandered into McHales rocking an ass-length ponytail. I thought I was about to die. I bought the only bottle of Budweiser I’ve ever had since 3rd grade, pounded it and GTFO. I thought I was a goner.
There was another shithole dive called The Pegasus that I went to with a bunch of Puyallup tribal members, and it was ok. I went there alone a couple weeks later, and the bartender told me to get out while I still could. It was a “run while you still have legs” warning. She gave me a coupon on a coaster for the rum and coke I ordered. I still have it. It’s been 30 years.