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Icy_Entertainer_4220 t1_j8qh4ek wrote

Fellow Washingtonian here! Proudly owned four big, active dogs throughout my lifetime, all who loved to swim and chase a tennis ball in our mostly soggy weather. Also live in an Asian household so of course hoomans have to remove shoes before entering so we hold similar clean feet standards with our pups. With our three prior dogs, I used baby wipes on all four paws and their private parts before they entered the house. Not very environmentally friendly, but Costco was a lifesaver for buying those wipes in bulk. With our current Chessie, we keep a plastic kiddie swimming pool (the blue one for toddlers that’s about 3’-4’ wide) on our back deck, filled to about an an inch or two with fresh water that our girl has learned to “walk through” after every potty or walk, we then just towel dry her feet and privates when she comes in. Keep a clean towel by the door just for this purpose. With the freezing cold snap we’ve been having, the kiddie pool turns into an ice skating rink, so we instead keep a small bucket of water under the back porch light which mostly stays unfrozen, just so we can dip her feet in and rinse off any dirt. All of our dogs knew the drill and patiently waited at the door until they were “cleared”, LOL. They knew they were welcome to lay on our couch, bed, etc without fear of us finding mystery brown smears anywhere. It’s a little more work every time they go out and come back in, but less labor to keep your entire house clean overall. Roomba was helpful while we were away at work, as well as regular weekend vacuuming with Dyson Animal. Love our steam mop for the hardwood floors.