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JaeCryme t1_j8qvuwk wrote

We taught ours to wipe his feet on the doormat when he comes inside. Not only is “wipe your feets” a crowd pleaser of a trick, our floors are awesome.


GirlsNightOnly t1_j8vbe91 wrote

How did you teach this?! Would love to do this.


JaeCryme t1_j8vqty3 wrote

I stopped him on the mat, used my hands to physically wipe his little paws on the mat, and just repeated “good wipe your feet” over and over while feeding him treats. He figured it out after like two five minute attempts. And if a stubborn-ass dachshund can do it, whatever breed you have can totally learn it.

We don’t even have to tell him to do it anymore… he comes in through the dog door from outside and we hear vigorous foot wiping on the mat til he gets his treat.