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MyHappyAcnt t1_j8r84et wrote

Buy the best furnace filter, and possibly a few other purifiers or even box fans and felt for the worst parts of the house. Highest R value you can afford.

We have 5 dogs! 130lb, 75lb, 55lb, 50lb, and 5lb (we're a combined household lol) the two big ones shed like mofos, ones a huskey!

Between two roombas and the air purifiers that house is under control with the need for human sweeping/vaccuming 2x a week, just dont look under the couch lol. We live in seattle with a big backyard.

It is crazy how much dust and hair a simple fan will catch, if it weren't for the air purifiers I don't think any of our PCs would work due to said dust and hair. That and keep their paws properly groomed, our doodles paws get caked in mud when his hair is long.

Also plant agressive growers anywhere its muddy; grass or clover are common. Also put down blankets or a bed where the dog chills that can be washed weekly.