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numba1mrdata t1_j8vddj1 wrote

Literally who started calling this thing the tree of life? It was just a random no name tree on the coast until Instagram existed I swear. It's not even the only tree like this.


You_Stole_My_Fries t1_j8vhyi6 wrote

I think I went here once last year is it in the Plateau by any chance


freckledtabby t1_j8wuut3 wrote

yep---its called erosion, high tides, and storm waves. I wonder how long it has until it just kinda flumbels down onto the beach?


Stabbymcappleton t1_j8xzro0 wrote

Considering the local population, that is entirely likely. I went out drinking in Forks one night years ago. Some guy asked me where I was from. So I told him. His response was “You one o’ those big city fa**ots?!?” I left as soon as I finished my drink.