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Salmundo t1_j9mo1xn wrote

Most of my photos from late February in Portland over the years show snow.


MrQuallzin t1_j9msy5l wrote

We are still mid-winter, so not very strange.


Fartknocker500 t1_j9nc2dy wrote

We're 26 days from Spring.

Not that I'm counting or anything.


ajmartin527 t1_j9nf9ic wrote

lol you sound like my girlfriend who celebrated when sunsets moved beyond 5pm again


Fartknocker500 t1_j9nfucw wrote

I, too, celebrated that milestone.

At this point I'm done with winter. Can't get crap done in this cold....


arcanepsyche t1_j9ot0yk wrote

It snows in Washington pretty much every February. People always forget this.


DickTooRadical t1_j9qv105 wrote

A white Thanksgiving and a white Valentine’s day are always more likely than a white Christmas in WA


IskandrAGogo t1_j9mt06b wrote

And here I am in Federal Way wondering where all the snow we usually get in February has gone.


Gloomy-Employment-72 t1_j9mjp6l wrote

We had snow in Sammamish, but it melted literally two seconds after it stopped coming down.


Alternative-Place-60 OP t1_j9mjv2l wrote

Lucky. It wasn’t sticking in the morning, but started to stick around late noon.


der_juden t1_j9nc6a8 wrote

I'm on the east side of Vancouver and we have at least a foot of snow and it won't stop till 1am.


Hops_n_Boost t1_j9q3j1o wrote

Central Vancouver, yep. Almost a foot. It’s awesome.


OceanPoet87 t1_j9nlfhe wrote

Many places in WA had snow in April last year. The past several winters have had their best snowfall in February so not that unusual for a winter month.


zacisanerd t1_j9phrx5 wrote

Honestly the snow isn’t that bad, it’s the fact the feel like is -2 here in Pullman :/


pureturtle0 t1_j9peo30 wrote

And I literally just took off my winter tires. Luckily it's not to bad, but it's the principal.


Alch123456 t1_j9qd3oa wrote

Am I missing something? I drove from Gig Harbor to Portland yesterday afternoon. I drove around last night looking for a place to get some food and everything was closed. I went to Vancouver and then back to Portland this morning. The bridge was backed up forever but I didn’t see the amounts of snow a lot of people are mentioning.