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ChampagneStain t1_jad6434 wrote

You sometimes see folks on here visiting Seattle who want to take a day to see the Olympic Peninsula. It’s really too far for a reasonable day trip from the city, but if you’re already in Port Angeles I recommend heading west instead of east for a day. Two of our favorite places are Rialto Beach and the aforementioned Hoh Rainforest. Neither should be too crowded this time of year. You could hit both in one day from PA, including a solid hike up the rainforest trail and some leisurely beach walking. They’re two very unique PNW places and a neat way to get beach and forest in a single day. You’ll need solid rain gear, but measurable snow is very unlikely. (If it’s stormy, Rialto is especially amazing - full-size tree trunks get tossed about in the surf!) Take advantage of your base camp location!


Superb-Film-594 OP t1_jad8u9v wrote

Thanks for the suggestions, I should clarify that we are heading back to Gig Harbor so our friends can get back to work, so we'll be 2 hours east of Port Angeles, hence looking for other suggestions than Olympic National Park. We'll definitely keep these ideas in mind though!