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Salmundo t1_jakslj2 wrote

You broke the law, you got a citation. Pay the fine and move on.


Dusty923 t1_jakxck1 wrote

Turning right on red is same as turning right at a stop sign. You didn't stop so you got ticketed. If you thought it was a yield situation that's a blinking yellow light, where if there's no traffic you don't need to stop.


FizzgigsDentist t1_jakmcba wrote

You ran the red light. You can always contest and hope the officer is a no show


mjarrett t1_jakpdxa wrote

Yes, the law is to come to a complete stop, then execute the turn when it's safe.

A mitigation hearing is a bad idea - I don't think they are allowed to dismiss it during a mitigation hearing, only reduce the fine.

If you want to dispute it to get it dismissed, then you want a contested hearing. Honestly it may be easier to just pay the fine.

If it's a moving violation you may be able to request a deferral depending on the city. You still pay a fine, but it keeps it off your record (and thus out of view of insurance).


PNWhobbit t1_jakyqju wrote

We all break some rules all the time. And most of the time we don't get caught. But sometimes we do.

This time you did. And it never feels good, but it is just.

When this happens, we just pay the price and move on. That's my $0.02, at least.


MydogDallas114 t1_jakpxnu wrote

My sister had this happen. She took it to court but ended up having to pay the whole fine anyway.


SpelunkerOfButts t1_jakw32r wrote

Did you actually get pulled over or was it a photo


renownbrewer t1_jal9c8u wrote

So you broke the law and got caught...

If you're not a habitual traffic offender (be honest with yourself) and you're not going to be caught doing something worse in the foreseeable future Washington State allows you to pay a fee to defer a citation once every seven years.


bry8eyes t1_jalr846 wrote

Happened to me too, you need to come to a full stop not a rolling stop. I paid the fine, learned my lesson


Capable_Nature_644 t1_jalcttq wrote

That no turn on red law hasn't taken effect yet. You need to stop before the line count to 3 one thousands of a second. Move forward stop again count 3 one thousands of a second, check then go. And you're fine. If you do one stop you are legally liable for a ticket.

You did a yield check? That's illegal. The cameras can check to see if your speed is at 0 mph and if it isn't they can ticket you.

If wa state ever does pass the law no right turn on red. The city will have to effectively enforce it. Considering how bad they are at enforcing normal driving rules I highly, highly doubt they'd ever get close to enforcing this one.

Even when intersections have no turn on red signs for driver safety people still are dumb affes and run them.