Submitted by Pookberries t3_11iljir in Washington

My employer falsely reported my working hours which has resulted in my weekly claims being denied. I was told by the WA Employment Security Department that my employer only reported 2 quarters of work out of the 2+ years I have worked there.

I have requested a review of my case with the WA ESD. They let me know that it will likely take a few weeks to go through review and then I will be paid. I don’t have a few weeks-

I’ve used up all of my time off- vacation, paid sick leave, and a bonus day. That only equaled 18 hours since the new year. I literally have $2.00 in coins in my purse and -$48 in my bank. I can’t afford to pick up my post -op prescriptions.

I do sell things online for extra cash, but it does take some time to actually get paid.

I am hoping someone out there has had a positive experience with a lawyer and/or employee advocate regarding WA Paid Family leave. We do not have a union, unfortunately. I feel totally alone and lost. My hair is falling out. My surgical incisions aren’t healing well. Depression has me by the throat.

Please help me. Thank you.



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W3tTaint t1_jayzf25 wrote

That sucks, but a lawyer isn't going to help make the government do anything faster. Can you go on short term or long term disability leave?


Pookberries OP t1_jazp03g wrote

I will look into that today, I’m not sure. Thank you for telling me that.


Posideoffries92 t1_jaz4v7x wrote

So you are currently employed by the organization which falsely reported your hours? As in you would be reporting back to them after your leave? Do you have access to paystubs to email HR documenting your hours and requiring them to contact ESD to amend?

I don't know of a lawyer or group to contact. You could also try contacting the labor department if they are under reporting your hours.


Pookberries OP t1_jazphro wrote

Yes, I am still employed by the company who falsely reported my hours. I am due to return to work in a couple of weeks pending a post op follow up this coming week. I do have access to all my pay stubs online. I went ahead and saved them all to come computer and am in the process of uploading them to the WA ESD website. The HR department denies they did it and insist it is my error, although it has proven to be theirs. HR has told me I need to fix it myself. I shouldn’t have to do that.

I will contact the labor department, thank you. Someone mentioned that the under reporting of my hours could effect a lot of different things like my social security and what not.


Zagsnation t1_jb0w566 wrote

I ran into an issue where my employer tried to use my vacation time in lieu of FMLA. I spoke with ESD, then emailed my bosses and explained that what they’d done was illegal & they must correct it. They still tried to act like it was my fault, but ultimately they corrected it because they realized they broke the law.

From there, I emailed them again explaining that I’d underestimated the amount of time my FMLA leave would require and that to simplify everything for everyone I would no longer be working any hours during my leave and that I would use 40 of FMLA time, 0 work hours, 0 vacation hours. Since they were notified, there’s nothing they can do.


choss_boss t1_jazhkav wrote

I don’t have anything helpful to add, I’m sorry. But I read this and sympathize. I’m sorry it’s hard for you right now.


Pookberries OP t1_jazpth1 wrote

Thank you, your kindness helps. I appreciate that. It’s been so difficult lately and I have felt so alone.


509norse68 t1_jb13k08 wrote

Get organized- seek labor representation like Teamsters, AFSCME, etc. You have rights and Labor is your advocate in claiming those rights.


anonasn t1_jbr65ms wrote

Can one reach out to those groups who doesn't work for a municipality? Like someone previously working for a private healthcare company?