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olyphil t1_jbyda74 wrote

seattle probably not, but farther out of the larger cities yes big yes. remember half of wa is flat and dry. and there are a lot of towns that have fallen into shit shape and have massive drug problems, this combo leads to white supremacy rising and becoming more prevalent. aberdeen is a good example of this problem, there has alwayse been a white supremacy movement there and has grown more active over the years. during the olympia blm protests in 2020 there was a large group of them who showed up downtown and freely screamed hate speech for the whole night while every police officer ignored them and watched over the peaceful blm protesters. also the shooting at the transit center (again in olympia) where a proud boy was shot while chasing and threatening a person (not sure if the shooter was blm or antifa not the important part) the group of proud boys had been chasing and threatening anyone they saw downtown that was bipoc during the daylight hours just before the shooting.

even in the early 2000's there was a case where a local musician curb stomped someone then fled to aberdeen and never got charged. fast forward to now and the same person is the lead singer of a band that tours around wa and was recently booked at a bar in oly till they were outed as white supremacists and public outcry caused the venue to cancel the show.

overall i think the racists are in a big minority in wa overall but they have places they try and concentrate their power as it were. just remember most of wa is nothing like seattle and the surrounding area.
