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dragonagitator t1_jbyiojy wrote

If your instincts are telling you that a white person is racist even though they haven't said anything overtly racist to your face, and that you're being discriminated against, you should trust your instincts. There's a lot of covert racists here.

I'm white and other white people often say super racist shit when there's only white people around that they never say in mixed company or to a non-white person's face. They just assume that because I'm white that I must agree with their white supremacist viewpoints, which makes me suspect that the majority of white people they've said that shit to in the past were indeed fine with it.

I call shit out when I can but sometimes I'm just stunned or it's a delicate situation like in the workplace with a client etc. Me getting mad at other white people's racist remarks has been enough of a recurring problem in my life that I'm now relieved whenever my direct supervisor at work isn't white because I don't have to worry about my boss casually making white supremacist remarks to me at work.