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wishforagiraffe t1_jbyu0fs wrote

Which country? Pretty much all of them still have limits on the number of animals you can have, and general nuisance laws still apply as well.


[deleted] OP t1_jbyvnkg wrote



wishforagiraffe t1_jbzmo8x wrote

Well, I definitely just took a look at all of the places I'd normally expect to see address this in county code and came up pretty empty, so your best bet really is the state. Ecology and WDFW have the most teeth. Good luck.


yourbadinfluence t1_jc10kz4 wrote

When I lived in West Seattle I had a neighbor who raised roosters who crowed all day and night. It drove me crazy. I had a coworker who grew up on a chicken farm and knew all about chickens. He said their behavior wasn't normal and that it was extremely likely the neighbor was raising them for cock fighting. I eventually made a formal complaint to animal control and they sent a notice to my neighbor who immediately got rid of the chickens. Neighbor and his wife then started making death threats against me and my girlfriend. I ended up moving shortly their after. I really don't have a good solution for you but I do synthesize.