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TheTarquin t1_jc86q09 wrote

EWa native here. As good a time as any to share rattlesnake tips.

- If you are walking and hear a rattle, slowly back up the way you came.

- If someone is bitten, do not suck then venom out with your mouth or apply a tourniquet.

- Call 911 and start making your way to the nearest medical facility.

- Keep the bite wound below the heart if possible and try to keep the victim calm.


TheTarquin t1_jc86swi wrote

Oh, and of course, great picture! I meant to say that, but I got too excited about rattlesnakes.


CheckmateApostates t1_jc8v5s2 wrote

The last time I saw a rattlesnake was out at the lakes near Quincy. I heard a rattle and saw it slither under a rock, so my dumb ass walked up as close as I could to take a picture of it. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm not* dead yet.


TheTarquin t1_jc8yudb wrote

Yeah, the thing about rattlesnakes is that they're usually shockingly polite. When humans are involved, the rattle means "yo, you're getting a little close and I'm spooked". But they're more likely to try to get away then to fight something like 20+ times their size.

Glad you're still with us!


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_jc7jk28 wrote

Watching out for rattlesnakes isn't something I worry about in the Seattle area.

I went over to the Wild Horse Wind Farm viewpoint, between Ellensburg and the gorge. I'll have to go back some day with a real camera and long lens...

Mt. Adams on the left, and of course Mt. Rainier on the right.


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_jc88tc5 wrote

I think there is a hint of Mt. St. Helens in the middle of the second shot.

Wonder what the historic view looked like, before 1980...


Daemmerung t1_jc7w3h8 wrote

Snowbird here. That sign feels like coming home every spring.


hetra87 t1_jc8y3cd wrote

I've peed here so many times


stormdefender t1_jc83ec5 wrote

I too have laughed & then promptly took a picture of that sign! SW WA here & was honestly surprised that rattlesnakes would be an issue. Beautiful rest stop - I always aim to stop there, but we usually end up stopping at the gas station in Goldendale for snacks instead haha.


Dapper_Amphibian87 t1_jc9tk24 wrote

I’m from the other end of WA (Walla Walla) and we still find them fairly common around here.


BelongingsintheYard t1_jc8m00a wrote

I saw that sign at Oregon Raceway Park too. Something funny about doing a basically dangerous thing like racing cars but also having to watch for snakes.


ACartonOfHate t1_jc8v31s wrote

I didn't have my phone on me, but one of my favourite signs was on at a Kalaloch Beach Lodge where this simple (and silly) graphic sign about avoiding logs in the surf.

Like I don't deny that it could be a real problem, but that the sign about it was hilariously silly, very 50's about it. Man, I wish I got a picture of it, it was SO funny. It was like "Them" but with logs.


vinreg33 t1_jc91mm9 wrote

Couple years ago we went to some ghost towns with Molson being one of them and my goodness the amount of rattlesnakes we saw in the road, side of the road...never thought I'd see that near the North border


munama t1_jc7syri wrote

I love that sign!


nvdagirl t1_jc99abd wrote

There is a sign like this not far from the “pet area” sign at a rest stop as you come into into Boise. It’s been a long time but this pic reminded me of that. The kids thought it was so wrong, lol.