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TheTarquin t1_jc86q09 wrote

EWa native here. As good a time as any to share rattlesnake tips.

- If you are walking and hear a rattle, slowly back up the way you came.

- If someone is bitten, do not suck then venom out with your mouth or apply a tourniquet.

- Call 911 and start making your way to the nearest medical facility.

- Keep the bite wound below the heart if possible and try to keep the victim calm.


TheTarquin t1_jc86swi wrote

Oh, and of course, great picture! I meant to say that, but I got too excited about rattlesnakes.


CheckmateApostates t1_jc8v5s2 wrote

The last time I saw a rattlesnake was out at the lakes near Quincy. I heard a rattle and saw it slither under a rock, so my dumb ass walked up as close as I could to take a picture of it. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm not* dead yet.


TheTarquin t1_jc8yudb wrote

Yeah, the thing about rattlesnakes is that they're usually shockingly polite. When humans are involved, the rattle means "yo, you're getting a little close and I'm spooked". But they're more likely to try to get away then to fight something like 20+ times their size.

Glad you're still with us!