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quick3brs t1_jcqbwtr wrote

I would factor in traffic and trying to find parking, that will add more time to the commute, especially in summer. Like, unless you get to the Mt. Rainier gate in the early morning there's going to be a long wait even just to get into the park (like even up to an hour and a half sometimes). Also unless you both are in great shape that sounds like a lot of strenuous hiking, you might not get all those hikes in - I'd pay attention to the elevation gain on these hikes. Last time I hiked the Skyline trail it took me about 5 hours, and I was in average shape back then.


eurbradnegan OP t1_jcqcg92 wrote

Thanks, heads up on the traffic is helpful, I figured it would be bad in the summer but I’ll definitely make sure we arrive early! We are above average hikers but if we have to omit something because we’re too exhausted I won’t be upset. It’s more of a best case scenario itinerary I reckon.

Did skyline loop take you 5 hours because you were exhausted or because you went at a more leisurely pace taking in the scenery?


quick3brs t1_jcqdrg1 wrote

I'd say a combination of both. Steep hills, switchbacks, stopping for lunch, pictures, etc. The skyline trail is worth it though, the panorama point viewpoint at the top is beautiful. But to be fair, I last hiked it about a decade ago so my memory might be fuzzy.