Submitted by rudeteacher1955 t3_11w7b3r in Washington

I bought my car in February many years ago, and it has a Feb sticker on the plate. I couldn't drive for over a year due to health problems so I didn't renew my tabs, and when I renewed on Sept 30th last year, the registration paperwork says I'm paid through the last day of Sept 2023 even though the month sticker is still Feb so it looks expired already because of the 2023 sticker. I got stopped today in Redmond because of that. Even though I've pad through Sept 30 and can't even renew it yet since the state website returns the error:

>You can't complete this transaction online because:• The earliest renewal date is 30-Mar-2023

What am I supposed to do? I have over six months until my tabs actually expire. I don't want to get stopped again. I had to ask for a supervisor to keep from him towing my car and having to pay what he thought would be over a thousand dollars in towing and storage fees. I can't afford that!



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katcomesback t1_jcwsrp7 wrote

go show them the paperwork and your registration and ask for a new sticker? my friend did when he bought a car on marketplace


IceDragonPlay t1_jcxithd wrote

The DOL has to have them. How do they provide the tab set for new registrations/plates if they don't have "month stickers"?

I guess you have to call the main number if your local DOL is claiming they don't have them and see if you can order the month part by mail.

Did you have your registration with you when you were pulled over? The police officer should have looked at that to confirm it was not expired and not threatening to tow your vehicle. Were you pulled over solely for the tabs? The interaction sounds over the top for the issue. Strange when police can't give you a ticket without escalating the situation, but if it was Redmond they have no sense of humor at all.


Technical-Data t1_jd4rp47 wrote

When I tried because my apartment towed my car after they thought the tabs were expired but not, the DOL said they get the plates with stickers already on them and never get the month stickers separately. That's why sometimes near the end of the month you can't get a plate because they run out of them with the current month's sticker. I'm still fighting to get that fixed because at the end of the month, it will again look like my tabs are expired even though I have more than six months to go before they actually expire.


BeKindDontBlind t1_jcwsjqf wrote

Yes, go into a license office or sub agent and they should give you one. Bring your plate number or registration and a pic of your plate, just in case.


Taikiteazy t1_jcx8szt wrote

Lmfao. Sound like WA DOL. They are dumb as fuck. I had to explain to 3 people (one was a supervisor) how they had screwed up dates then got put on hold before they came back to tell me I was right (they had to check with ANOTHER supervisor), to which I replied " I KNOW".


anybodyiwant2be t1_jcww4nb wrote

Just go to a licensing office (like the one at Crossroads in Bellevue) and get a new sticker for something like $20. One time I forgot to put a year sticker on my plates and lost it so I had to get a replacement. The licensing offices are linked with DOL so they can look up your records


rudeteacher1955 OP t1_jcwxau1 wrote

That sounds like the year sticker. I'm talking about the month one. The new DoL office on 122nd near 85th said they don't have them.


anybodyiwant2be t1_jcygxd4 wrote

You are correct I was referring to the year.

I’m baffled the actual DOL office couldn’t help! Maybe they are just for licenses?

What about ordering replacement plates? (Cheaper then that tow the Redmond police offered.). I’m certain sure those independent licensing offices have month and year stickers because I’ve gotten brand new plates (with month and year stickers) there for cars I’ve bought and transferred ownership.


MarmotMossBay t1_jcxmchk wrote

TIL they pull people over for expired tabs.

Couple weeks ago I saw a Mercedes with a stolen plate that read 1978.( assuming it was stolen since the car was newer than that)


pallesaides t1_jcwuf40 wrote

More ACAB bullshit. They literally can look up your registration date and expiration on their computer, this cop was just being a complete piece of shit (so a cop basically.) But yes, if you go into a licensing place and bring your registration they should be able to give you the proper month.


BeKindDontBlind t1_jcwweys wrote

Not all are and that attitude doesn't help. I got pulled over for expired tabs and even though we had a talk about the half burnt joint in my ashtray, he still let me go to go buy them. Going on to JBLM once, they let me go buy them. The other two times, I got ticketed, once thrown out, once reduced fee, so HOCAB (half of cops are bastards?)


pallesaides t1_jcwy92d wrote

>Not all are and that attitude doesn't help. I got pulled over for expired tabs and even though we had a talk about the half burnt joint in my ashtray, he still let me go to go buy them. Going on to JBLM once, they let me go buy them. The other two times, I got ticketed, once thrown out, once reduced fee, so HOCAB (half of cops are bastards?)

Those 'not a bastard' cops, still watch their other cop brothers be bastards and do nothing about it. Wake up.


BeKindDontBlind t1_jcwyoqs wrote

Wake up to what? Get woke you mean? No thanks. I don't want to live in a world where I think everyone is an asshole. I have been pulled over 10 times in 36 years of driving, arrested once, have had the cops called on my twice for being a drunk asshole, and I still want one of those BASTARDS to call when someone is assaulting me, raping me or robbing me, but I guess I am just asleep. Dude, seriously, move on from ACAB and go fend for yourself in Seattle or Portland.


ushouldbedancing t1_jcyu9fb wrote

Wow, how can you not see how this is a problem? Also, having the wrong month can cause you to lose your car. I had mine towed because of this issue. My COA has strict rules about parking since we don't have enough places, and the rules require current tabs. They do not have the ability to look up registration info like you so wrongfully claim is "the solution." I'm terrified that after the end of the month that I might get towed again since we have a new property manager. The old one understood the issue.

Saying this state us run by incompetent and lazy morons isn't attacking the police. It seems a bit opposite.


pallesaides t1_jd0i2ok wrote

You're putting words in my mouth? This can be some cop being a bitch (threatening to tow his car for not expired tabs) and incompetence by the state for not giving him a new month sticker. Also your situation while similar is also completely different and has to do with a COA and not the cops at all?


rudeteacher1955 OP t1_jcwwmlj wrote

The sticker is literally February which has already passed. How is that ACAB? That problem has nothing to do with cops and everything to do with the state. I'm literally stating this isn't the cop's fault.


pallesaides t1_jcwy7b7 wrote

The sticker doesn't matter. When they go to pull you over they look up your registration on their computer and it tells them when yours expires. Like the exact date. The sticker is there to give them a reason to possible check if you're expired. Like technically if you expire on on Sept 3rd, and your sticker says sept and it's sept 20th then it's expired.

This was a cop doing a power trip, if you don't believe that you're just not paying attention.