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pallesaides t1_jcwy92d wrote

>Not all are and that attitude doesn't help. I got pulled over for expired tabs and even though we had a talk about the half burnt joint in my ashtray, he still let me go to go buy them. Going on to JBLM once, they let me go buy them. The other two times, I got ticketed, once thrown out, once reduced fee, so HOCAB (half of cops are bastards?)

Those 'not a bastard' cops, still watch their other cop brothers be bastards and do nothing about it. Wake up.


BeKindDontBlind t1_jcwyoqs wrote

Wake up to what? Get woke you mean? No thanks. I don't want to live in a world where I think everyone is an asshole. I have been pulled over 10 times in 36 years of driving, arrested once, have had the cops called on my twice for being a drunk asshole, and I still want one of those BASTARDS to call when someone is assaulting me, raping me or robbing me, but I guess I am just asleep. Dude, seriously, move on from ACAB and go fend for yourself in Seattle or Portland.