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Deprecitus t1_jd4jfkb wrote

I guess it's more akin to cigarettes in use than alcohol, just with a much different effect.


ith-man t1_jd4p12z wrote

So anyone who does any recreational drug on their own time, from alcohol to marijuana should not be allowed to work?

No one is saying there are gonna be surgeons stoned hot boxing the O.R. Though don't look into how many surgeons are alcoholics by statistic, you will never go under the scalpel again...


Deprecitus t1_jd4rxx3 wrote

Didn't say that at all. Just think that the employer might want to know is all.


ith-man t1_jd5bjik wrote

They're religion too I suppose, make sure all availability to discriminate is checked.


fallenfromglory t1_jd6t3ud wrote

What topics are off limits for an employer to you?


Deprecitus t1_jd7the9 wrote

That's a good question.

I feel like your religion or sexual orientation wouldn't affect work performance at all.

Basically anything that doesn't impair your judgement should be fine.


notorious1212 t1_jd4lovq wrote

Yep, everyone walking around out there blazing down like snoop dogg. Goddamn druggies.