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DeadpanWords t1_jd67otw wrote

I haven't been drug tested at the major hospital chain I worked for, and I'm a nurse. They were certainly getting federal money.


Toolazytocreate t1_jd7cqhz wrote

We can’t afford to lose you. That’s the honest truth.


DeadpanWords t1_jd8nzzy wrote

More like they can't find too many people who want to work for them and their turn-over rate is increasing.


Anaxamenes t1_jd6kn48 wrote

Not even when you were hired?


Notexactlyprimetime t1_jd72fg2 wrote

UW system does not drug test nurses. VM didn’t, maybe they do now that they are owned by CHI. Island Health RN contract has explicit language bargained in that forbids pre employment and routine drug testing. But no Medicare has nothing to do with if healthcare companies drug test. It’s all individual policy.


Anaxamenes t1_jd86zet wrote

But the policy is likely because of Medicare. I talked with the head of our Human Resources department about it specifically and it’s because we accept federal funds as a hospital. Now the place I work is in Oregon and I haven’t looked into OHAs stance on the matter but would assume it follows Oregon laws regarding marijuana.


Notexactlyprimetime t1_jd8nkg7 wrote

I get your theory there but it just doesn’t pan out in practice. There are many healthcare networks that don’t test nurses and they all contract with Medicare and CMS. It seems the test or not to test is purely due to organizational preference.