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Khan_Khala t1_je8blnx wrote

Was his show in seattle? May have just been saying it for the crowd. I never believe the comments artists give when they come to your city


pinkysauce22 t1_je9cpl8 wrote

Yeah but he’s talked about it in at least one interview iirc and he has a line about buying a crib in Seattle near the end of that latest album. I know what you mean but I’m pretty certain it was genuine in this case. Like he waxed poetic about it for a long time. Like he didn’t seem to be bullshitting he was really intense about it lol. Like when I say horny I mean he sounded so emphatic and intense with his gravelly voice: “I love this city so fucking much” etc “I want to fuck your city so badly” and also referenced looking for a house in the area. I have a video of it lol, it’s almost gnarly how enthusiastic he is about it. Holding the mic like it’s a dick he’s blowing lol: “If I could deep throat any fucking city…” etc.

I mean I kinda get it, like what other city can you watch the sunset over the waterfront and a picturesque mountain range, hence this post. Like somebody else said, I wouldn’t want to live in the city myself, but I could imagine a visitor being very impressed by the aesthetics/proximity to nature/Puget Sound w/the ferry system… plus the space needle in the same view. I’d imagine a touring artist of Tyler’s stature would be pretty sheltered from the uglier realities of the city during his brief stay.

Lol idk why I’m writing a damn essay about it but I do believe it was genuine enthusiasm. Well beyond the usual “you guys are great we always love playing here” showmanship of touring acts. I actually wonder if T ended up buying a place in the area