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American_Greed t1_je3kn5t wrote

We literally had a sunset like that earlier tonight. Both amazing and picture worthy.. and I should have taken a pic! West coast is the best coast.


anti-zastava t1_je3l2ok wrote

Portland is nice as well man. Yes, it’s not in the same league as Seattle, but what’s important is that you guys tried your hardest. There is no shame in that my dude!


anti-zastava t1_je3n9vc wrote

No man, trust me: I get it. You are probably so impressed with our living standards that returning to Oregon just isn’t an option. Running water. Electricity. Food that isn’t spoiled. Etc etc. Our city must seem like a glimpse of the future!


Energy_Turtle t1_je3sj8p wrote

Seattle is the most beautiful and fun city that I would never want to live in.


Pittiemomma73 t1_je4tuub wrote

I was born in Salem, and grew up in Seattle. Whenever I cross the state line on the bridge on I-5 I scream "Hello my people!". I love both states, and each is unique. Being an Oregonian-Washingtonian is the best!!!


Agreeable_Situation4 t1_je502zm wrote

Everything outside of the big cities is beautiful to me. I am just a backwoods kind of guy so cities come with claustrophobia. I like to imagine Seattle before it was overdeveloped. I can't imagine the beauty it held then


Darkpony1 OP t1_je60h9m wrote

I will also say we were on the east side of Seattle, and it was actually quite pleasant. Tons of amazing trails to walk and enjoy. It’s definitely like Portland in the sense of media only wants to show you all the crappy things… And yes, there’s crappy things both in Portland and Seattle… But there’s also good things, but that isn’t what gets the views for the media.


BDiddy0319 t1_je63i78 wrote

I wish we got colors like California. But then that also requires crappy air. Life is full of compromises I guess.


queerdito877 t1_je7xiyu wrote

I love Seattle. I can’t afford to live there but I really enjoy it. It’s a beautiful city.


southcounty253 t1_je8g3sy wrote

As a Washingtonian, also biased, but Oregon is always a treat 💚


pinkysauce22 t1_je9cpl8 wrote

Yeah but he’s talked about it in at least one interview iirc and he has a line about buying a crib in Seattle near the end of that latest album. I know what you mean but I’m pretty certain it was genuine in this case. Like he waxed poetic about it for a long time. Like he didn’t seem to be bullshitting he was really intense about it lol. Like when I say horny I mean he sounded so emphatic and intense with his gravelly voice: “I love this city so fucking much” etc “I want to fuck your city so badly” and also referenced looking for a house in the area. I have a video of it lol, it’s almost gnarly how enthusiastic he is about it. Holding the mic like it’s a dick he’s blowing lol: “If I could deep throat any fucking city…” etc.

I mean I kinda get it, like what other city can you watch the sunset over the waterfront and a picturesque mountain range, hence this post. Like somebody else said, I wouldn’t want to live in the city myself, but I could imagine a visitor being very impressed by the aesthetics/proximity to nature/Puget Sound w/the ferry system… plus the space needle in the same view. I’d imagine a touring artist of Tyler’s stature would be pretty sheltered from the uglier realities of the city during his brief stay.

Lol idk why I’m writing a damn essay about it but I do believe it was genuine enthusiasm. Well beyond the usual “you guys are great we always love playing here” showmanship of touring acts. I actually wonder if T ended up buying a place in the area