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SereneDreams03 t1_jeb6wag wrote

This is good to hear. I rarely smoke myself, but marijuana can stay in your system for weeks, and employers shouldn't be able to restrict employment just because you may have smoked a joint on your personal time two weeks ago. Imagine how many people would fail pre-employment screening if they did this for alcohol, and it is a far more dangerous drug than weed.


IncapableOfLaughing t1_jedgws5 wrote

It's meaningless.

They can test you the first minute of your first day and fire you because they don't like the socks you're wearing.


SereneDreams03 t1_jedhtho wrote

The employer would need cause to drug test for most jobs.

It is definitely not meaningless. Even if some companies try and get around the rules like you are suggesting, it would be a whole lot more hassle for companies to come up with some reasoning to send one of their newly hired employees to go and get a drug test on their first day. Then, once again, come up with some bs reasoning to fire them without cause. That sounds like a recipe for a lawsuit to me.

I'm not saying it will never happen, but I definitely do not see it being as prevalent as pre-employment drug screening is currently.