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Old-AF t1_jeeji4m wrote

Don’t believe everything you hear. Rarely do we have no sun in the winter months and all gray. There have been some winters worse than others, but the sun and the mountain do come out to play in the winter months.


sleeknub t1_jeex5mk wrote

Sure, but you can’t get any vitamin D from it, so either supplement or head south.


holmgangCore t1_jef22t9 wrote

If you supp with Vit D, make sure you’re getting enough Magnesium also. Your body requires it to absorb the D, and destroys it in the process, so you can run out.


sleeknub t1_jef2chs wrote

Good to know.


holmgangCore t1_jef31l8 wrote

Fun fact: Vit D is a “transport” molecule for Calcium! So you need D to get Calcium to your bones. Extra important if you happen to break one. Ask me how I know. :D