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tephlar17 t1_jeeq3dj wrote

There's spots on the coast. Sequim motto is 300 days of sunshine.


whidbeysounder t1_jef2jhr wrote

I also live in the Olympic rain shadow and some of that stuff is realtor hype. I have even seen them call it the banana belt, lol.

It’s very true they get much less rain, 16” vs 39”. But the number of sunny days is marginally higher no where close to 300 and it still gets very foggy, suffers from the short winter day light, and is cooler than Seattle.


tephlar17 t1_jef2shf wrote

Beautiful country, we love to motorcycling over there.


Loisalene t1_jef3prb wrote

Around here, we call Mt. Vernon the banana belt because of the weird little convergence zone of Vancouver Island. Always about 10º warmer up there it seems!


whidbeysounder t1_jef3vd4 wrote

Yeah Bellingham gets hit with that cold Frazier Valley weather. When that hits brrr