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thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpk23o wrote

Whether she wins or loses she's a trump-humping bag of filth running on how much she hates everything that makes this state distinct.


LapLeong t1_iqpmpid wrote

I'm not from the PNW (though I'd love to move there). I'd like to know what you think makes WA distinct and prosperous. I'd also like to know why you think she's polling better than other Republicans.


thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpoh8b wrote

This sums up more eloquently than I could why and how Trafalgar polls are, to put it politely, bullshit that I don't concern myself with.

As far as what washington is, it's a democrat plurality saddled with a few highly reactive conservative counties. By highly reactive, I mean until recently they had elected a guy that was literally planning and organizing domestic terrorism under the guise of a "holy war." Of course, people found out and the reds decided they weren't that red. There's also been some good reporting on the QAnon crazies that tried to take over Sequim, if you are interested it's pretty easy to look up.

So yeah, Smiley could get elected, and like when Matt Shea was elected, that would be a tragedy for the entire state, but one we'll endure and overcome.


Obvious_copout t1_iqr70tx wrote

Thankfully mayorQ and his cronies were handily voted out of office in sequim, and every extreme repub candidate in clallam county that I can think of.


HelenAngel t1_iqrd00c wrote

If you don’t think WA is distinct & prosperous, you should probably just stay where you are rather than move here.


LapLeong t1_iqvaf5w wrote

I should've clarified my question. I know WA is distinct and prosperous. I'd like to know what other states can do to replicate that success. I live in New York City, it has as many corporations, but the quality of life isn't as high and I'd like to live in a nice place.


HelenAngel t1_iqwdgoh wrote

Ahhhh, I see what you mean. Honestly a big part is the residents here are pretty involved in giving back to the community. I don’t know it is specifically in New York but this is the first place I’ve lived where I’ve seen private citizens donate tons of their time & money to schools, parks, libraries, museums, etc.