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thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpcphs wrote

Like most Republicans, her rallying cry seems to be that she hates her state, the people that work in it, and the things they enjoy.


Banshu t1_iqpru0l wrote

She's a republican, they're beacons of hard work and getting shit done! In the back ground she robs other people's work to further her agenda. Another fucking grifter using other people's work to further herself. Typical hypocritical Republican b.s.


Zer0sober t1_iqrjqx3 wrote

Matt Gaets literally just voted "No" on disaster relief for Florida... his own state...


bsonk t1_iqrrtbt wrote

Smiley and her buddy Joe Kent are endorsed by Gaetz actually


KitsapG t1_iqrzcfn wrote

Seriously? All I’ve heard from the DemocRats for the last 6 years is that they hate America.


LapLeong t1_iqpi7qb wrote

She's only about 2-4% behind. If the polls are wrong, she could very well squeak by.


thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpk23o wrote

Whether she wins or loses she's a trump-humping bag of filth running on how much she hates everything that makes this state distinct.


LapLeong t1_iqpmpid wrote

I'm not from the PNW (though I'd love to move there). I'd like to know what you think makes WA distinct and prosperous. I'd also like to know why you think she's polling better than other Republicans.


thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpoh8b wrote

This sums up more eloquently than I could why and how Trafalgar polls are, to put it politely, bullshit that I don't concern myself with.

As far as what washington is, it's a democrat plurality saddled with a few highly reactive conservative counties. By highly reactive, I mean until recently they had elected a guy that was literally planning and organizing domestic terrorism under the guise of a "holy war." Of course, people found out and the reds decided they weren't that red. There's also been some good reporting on the QAnon crazies that tried to take over Sequim, if you are interested it's pretty easy to look up.

So yeah, Smiley could get elected, and like when Matt Shea was elected, that would be a tragedy for the entire state, but one we'll endure and overcome.


Obvious_copout t1_iqr70tx wrote

Thankfully mayorQ and his cronies were handily voted out of office in sequim, and every extreme repub candidate in clallam county that I can think of.


HelenAngel t1_iqrd00c wrote

If you don’t think WA is distinct & prosperous, you should probably just stay where you are rather than move here.


LapLeong t1_iqvaf5w wrote

I should've clarified my question. I know WA is distinct and prosperous. I'd like to know what other states can do to replicate that success. I live in New York City, it has as many corporations, but the quality of life isn't as high and I'd like to live in a nice place.


HelenAngel t1_iqwdgoh wrote

Ahhhh, I see what you mean. Honestly a big part is the residents here are pretty involved in giving back to the community. I don’t know it is specifically in New York but this is the first place I’ve lived where I’ve seen private citizens donate tons of their time & money to schools, parks, libraries, museums, etc.


Gwtheyrn t1_iqpohlp wrote

Last I checked, the only poll showing her that close was Trafalgar Group, with a very poor accuracy rating and funded solely by the GOP. Every other poll I've seen has her getting blown TF out.


HelenAngel t1_iqrd8s1 wrote

She’s not just a forced birther, she’s also racist & a bigot. She has come out repeatedly against LGBTQIA+ so the chances of her winning in the Seattle area are, thankfully, slim. She needs to move to a nutbag red state.


matchettehdl OP t1_iqsijgk wrote

You do realize Trafalgar has an A- rating from FiveThirtyEight, right? And the latter had declared the former the second most accurate pollster of 2020?


pejoshkwe t1_isxxruq wrote

Oct 11 from FiveThirtyhEight. Murray 50.4%, Smiley 40.6%. Smiley is getting desperate. Also, no ratings from FiveThirtyEight.


LapLeong t1_iqpr0sy wrote

Yes, I forgot about that. Didn't Trafalgar's polling do okay in 16 and 20?


joelofallen t1_iqpmyoz wrote

Latest poll on fivethirtyeight has Murray up 52%-40%. I am guessing the previous poll might be an outlier. I would be surprised if Smiley pulled an upset.


Gwtheyrn t1_iqpolz2 wrote

That outlier poll is GOP-funded and run by a GOP aligned polling company with a D rating.


LapLeong t1_iqpomv2 wrote

Do you think Julie Anderson will win the SoS role? She has a strong message and supports RCV.

Murray probably won't pull an upset as the fundamentals are against her. Washington State Democrats are an otherwise competent bunch.


joelofallen t1_iqpqfjw wrote

It wouldn’t shock me but I really don’t have a sense of which way it might go.


Worstcase_Rider t1_iqpocp8 wrote

Have you been paying attention? She's closing the gap...


HelenAngel t1_iqrdi7h wrote

Good to know. I will help campaign against her then. We do not need a batshit crazy, Q-anon forced birther racist bigot like Smiley representing anything in WA.


mikeyfireman t1_iqpg096 wrote

She looks like she would like the speak to the manager.


bsonk t1_iqrroqc wrote

She's a fascist Karen who campaigns alongside Neonazi Joe Kent


ElLargeGrande t1_iqs1ur4 wrote

Patty has been speaking to the manager for the last 30 fucking years


untenable681 t1_iqp92le wrote

I love the way Seattle Times didn't criticize Smiley directly but instead quoted Murray's criticisms. It's just the most perfect and passive-aggressive middle finger at that MAGAt.


pnwcatman420 t1_iqpxnq3 wrote

Tiffany Smiley tries to pass herself off as a moderate, but the truth is she is a MAGA fascist, and if she was elected would be a hard right senator who would side with people like Ted Cruz Mitch Mc Turtle and most of all Trump and would vote to strip women gays and minorities of their rights.


DumbCoyotePup t1_iqsglak wrote

Every ad for Smiley always sounds like,

"Hi there, do you hate Murray? Because I've been stewing about it for years. Long enough to realize I wanted a slice of the pie--i mean I want to contribute to ...society. Yeah! Washington! Our home state with green..trees..and...I'm PRO L I F E AND PRO FAMILY! I'm gonna fight for youuuuuu 💕😘 Vote Smiley for Smiles all arounddd the souuuundd."

Even though she's going to be like every politician and make the state worse for the us proletariat working people


Methulhu t1_iqt31i4 wrote

You forgot the part where her blind husband jumps in with "don't forget about me!"


zippyboy t1_iqtuo4j wrote

The part where her blind husband is watching football on the couch, and speaks up with complaints of how beer prices have risen.


FRX51 t1_iqpy99q wrote

A bold strategy to try and secure a plurality of the vote, when more than half of the state's population lives in the Seattle metro.


Gwtheyrn t1_iqpoax2 wrote

Tiffany Smiley can get bent.


Lyradep t1_iqq6bs9 wrote

If I were the Seahawks, I wouldn’t want my jersey to being worn in a republican ad either.


CharlieChowderButt t1_iqr4hud wrote

Did Wilson take the religious nuts with him to Denver or something? I would think the Seahawks would cry tears of joy seeing their uniform on the “Christ-centered” candidate.


bltlvr2 t1_iqqa7r7 wrote

I believe this is the lady (all middle aged blonde women look the same to her😂) that told my newly 18 year old daughter that she was going to “make crime illegal again” and my daughter thought she was joking & laughed. When she realized that she was serious my daughter just told her that not all poor people are stupid (we live in a neighborhood where most people are at or below the poverty level) like they think then came in and closed the door.


Nancydrewfan t1_iqr5yux wrote

Have you not seen an increase in car thefts, catalytic converter theft, and petty crime?


HelenAngel t1_iqrdv6i wrote

Have you ever lived anywhere else? Also, I’m sorry, but Smiley being a fascist, racist, bigoted forced birther means she should not be holding office anywhere. Hopefully after her defeat she’ll move to a welfare red state with her supporters where they belong.


Nancydrewfan t1_iqrm541 wrote

So in your estimation, huge increases in crime are okay as long as it’s still safer than where you’ve previously lived???

Also, she’s not any of those things. Lolol


HelenAngel t1_iqrn9c6 wrote

She is all of those things. I grew up in Memphis, TN. Crime here is nothing compared to every major city in the southern US.


Nancydrewfan t1_iqrq7vx wrote

When you go so far left that you’re literally a crime apologist….

No evidence provided for your claims, just apparently, so much hatred for Republicans that worrying about your car being stolen everywhere except the wealthiest communities is fine.


HelenAngel t1_iqrseol wrote

I’m not a crime apologist & the burden of proof is on you as you’re making the claims. But you do you


Nancydrewfan t1_iqrtyj8 wrote

You're the one saying it's totally fine that crime has gone up because it's still lower than other cities. That's crime apology.

You're also the one that threw a bunch of radical labels on a candidate.

It's okay though, I'm done with this thread. Rational conversation ain't here.


DrunkMexican22493 t1_iqs7txs wrote

This sub is hella left leaning... They all swallow the same cool aid.


thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqtjkgf wrote

Hey maybe you all could form your own group? You could wear clean white robes, masks, light stuff on fire together....


DrunkMexican22493 t1_iqz2z11 wrote

of course youd like that, that way nobody challenges your point of views and your feelings never get hurt. how about fuck you snowflake.


bltlvr2 t1_iqrptyr wrote

That’s definitely not what Helen said. You don’t deserve Nancy Drew btw.


iamDanger_us t1_iqs1tzk wrote

>You don’t deserve Nancy Drew btw.

Glad someone else picked up on this. Claims to be a Nancy Drew fan, yet doesn't have a single fucking clue.


bltlvr2 t1_iqrpn0b wrote

Unfortunately crime rates nearly always increase when prices of rent/gas/groceries increase but wages don’t. I personally have noticed an apparent increase in assaults and similar crimes but even in my neighborhood things like car prowling, auto theft, etc don’t seem to have increased significantly. It’s hard to tell considering many go unreported because reporting is often a waste of time.


DrunkMexican22493 t1_iqs7for wrote

Careful now, these people like to praise diversity yet forget everyone knows Seattle is a dumpster fire with crime


DoLittlest t1_iqqb4b6 wrote

Woah. As a gay woman, I’d 1000% expect to see her at Taco Tuesday at the Wild Rose.


Rocketgirl8097 t1_iqpwsrg wrote

Illegal use of copyrighted mayerial. Straight from the Trump playbook. Embarrassing that this joker is from the Tri-Cities.


Banshu t1_iqprigy wrote

I was hoping maybe she was calling them out for funneling money from the lower middle class and giving it to the wealthiest people in the state but i was sorely disappointed.


HelenAngel t1_iqrdzov wrote

She is a racist, bigoted, forced birth fascist. Anything even slightly resembling socialism is a no.


Banshu t1_iqreeon wrote

Yeah i didnt know she was part of the hypocrisy party until i read the article either.


ennuiacres t1_iqrg3lv wrote

Tiff bites the hands that feed her!


Chubbucks t1_iqrthng wrote

God, is she shooting herself in the foot


pejoshkwe t1_isxwz6t wrote

Every picture of Tiffany Smiley looks like there maybe might be a 15-watt bulb in there somewhere. However, it is constantly flickering.


ChocolateChocoboMilk t1_iqrq95k wrote

Reddit, you on some shit. I don’t care about this individual in the slightest, but seeing you all collectively rage and shit yourselves is…interesting. I’m a natural born Washingtonian. Love it here. Except for politics because it turns into what you see here. Mindless partisanship and name-calling. Eh.


grifferi t1_iqrmmfh wrote

I haven’t followed her but just read this. I don’t blame her for criticizing them. Seriously the Seahawks are upset her husband had a Seahawks jersey on in an ad. I hope they treat every candidate that way. Shame on him for wearing a Jersey for there states football team.

Update I just read an article that the Seahawks gave him the jersey when the honored him in 2014. He was invited to hoist the flag at one of the games when where he received the shirt.


Skagit_Rover t1_iqpnotp wrote

Murray has been fleecing thus state for decades, I want a fresh crook in office. Don’t care which party they’re from.


Gwtheyrn t1_iqpot96 wrote

How exactly has she been "fleecing" the state?

She's one of the most powerful senators on the left side of the aisle and has a track record of bringing funding home for important projects.


just-cuz-i t1_iqpoz8s wrote

“Both sides are the same! Time for a Republican!!1!!”


The_bookworm65 t1_iqpyhbk wrote

Do you not care that the republicans want to make abortion illegal no matter what and are even talking about limiting birth control? They simply want to control women.


HelenAngel t1_iqreasw wrote

Oh. You’re not a woman nor do you care about women. I guess that tracks. However, the rest of us don’t want to be forced to give birth & lose access to health care so therefore I will do whatever I can to prevent Marjorie Taylor Greene 2.0 aka Smiley from winning. Hopefully one day you’ll stop hating women.


[deleted] t1_iqrgeyk wrote



HelenAngel t1_iqrkbgh wrote

No, I won’t be because I AM A WOMAN. It has been proven over & over that I have to fight for my right to health care. If you vote for a forced birther, you do not care about women. Period. You are sentencing women to death for the crime of being born.


just-cuz-i t1_iqrptsn wrote

“Ree! Reee! BoTh SiDeS are ThE SaME so we must elect a crazy right winger immediately!!!1!1!1’l


rosesandpiglets t1_iqrtfhb wrote

Right, I totally remember Patty voting against certifying an election


boing757 t1_iqpdvxe wrote

I'm voting for her.


thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpl93f wrote

Wouldn't it be easier to just move to Idaho? You could be surrounded by scumba--er, people like yourself there.


Frothy_Walrus t1_iqplpxl wrote

Your voting for her because…? Can you explain a few reasons why she gained your vote vs Murray?


Frothy_Walrus t1_iqpls4w wrote

Can you explain a few reasons why she gained your vote vs Murray?