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Randomredditguy2 t1_ir5evuy wrote

Did this hike last week, longest and best hike I've ever done. It was my first proper hike and loved it


yellandtell OP t1_ir5hox1 wrote

Not really. It is overly crowded and I typically like more of a challenge. With that, this is a great hike for families and those breaking into hiking. If you enjoyed this trail I highly recommend the cascade pass with an option to do the Sahale arm glacier. The cascade pass takes about 1.5 hrs and the views are stunning. If you're up to it, you can do the Sahale Glacier arm which is pretty epic, but grueling.


Randomredditguy2 t1_ir5xqyl wrote

It was the perfect hike for me, I have issues with my joints so anything harder wouldve been really difficult I'll look up cascade pass though and maybe do it next year when it's warm again.


tenthjuror t1_ir5l5fs wrote

Wow, you got a pic with no people! That’s the real amazing part, haha!


yellandtell OP t1_ir5mr7i wrote

Haha big facts. This was the joy of going clockwise, far less crowded for large portions.


Aconductor2 t1_ir451mm wrote

Where in the state is that at? I hike the Mt Loop area quite often.


yellandtell OP t1_ir454ny wrote

North Cascades. The trail is really crowded, I recommend you go clockwise instead of counter clockwise.


SummitMyPeak t1_ir4e5ne wrote

Why do you recommend clockwise??


Sexburrito t1_ir4lr1q wrote

I prefer counterclockwise, easier and less steep accent with the switch backs saved for the decent. FYI on the weekend it is literally a conga line.


yellandtell OP t1_ir54rp4 wrote

A few reasons, 1/ it's less crowded and 2/ it's easier on the way down.


onlyoneaal t1_ir68hwv wrote

Someone else just recently told me the same thing.


yellandtell OP t1_ir6hln1 wrote

Parts of the trail looked like I5 and the majority of hikers had little to no etiquette regarding passing and right of way. We avoided much of it on the way up going clockwise, but there are serious bottle necks on the way up going counter clockwise.