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lunar_tardigrade t1_irrzgz8 wrote

Police did that shit to me at that event like 9 years ago. I was sober and asking to talk with a manager about a customer service issue. Left with roadrash across my face. They arrested me and dropped the charges. Seems like not much has changed.


Marmotskinner t1_irubzxm wrote

Saw shit like this the night before Thanksgiving weekend. People were just getting their drinks on when the local shitheel cops came wading in with night sticks, smacking everyone upside the head. I was in the back, and those assfuck cops nearly caused a riot. Myself and my friend ran out through the back door into the alley and escaped. Came to find out a few days later that those cops clobbered the living shit out of like 50-75 people that were just in the wrong tavern at the wrong time.