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SleepyPendleton OP t1_irpf65g wrote

There were 6 security guards (not police) on one drunk white woman that seemingly did nothing. They dragged her from the dance floor and put her face to the ground causing her to bleed.

I don’t know any other details- but I did see the altercation from the beginning, and again- I think it was just a drunk woman.


sand2sound t1_irpi0qj wrote

"Well just look at that... a drunk woman at Octoberfest... Quick! Everyone assault her all at once!"


lunar_tardigrade t1_irrzgz8 wrote

Police did that shit to me at that event like 9 years ago. I was sober and asking to talk with a manager about a customer service issue. Left with roadrash across my face. They arrested me and dropped the charges. Seems like not much has changed.


Marmotskinner t1_irubzxm wrote

Saw shit like this the night before Thanksgiving weekend. People were just getting their drinks on when the local shitheel cops came wading in with night sticks, smacking everyone upside the head. I was in the back, and those assfuck cops nearly caused a riot. Myself and my friend ran out through the back door into the alley and escaped. Came to find out a few days later that those cops clobbered the living shit out of like 50-75 people that were just in the wrong tavern at the wrong time.


newsreadhjw t1_irqf53l wrote

well that is alarming because they have guns. If you are having a public event with crowds and lots of alcohol, and you need armed security, I kind of feel like that ought to be real police, not armed mall cops.


Cyberhwk t1_irrtnra wrote

"Seemingly did nothing" is doing a lot of work in that sentence.


alex2002f t1_iruu43t wrote

Only the 2 with tan pants are security. The 3 with green pants are Chelan county sheriffs deputies. Look up what the patch looks like. Those security officers were just assisting the sheriffs.


Young_sawce_god t1_irrj2g0 wrote

Yeah I don’t see a single lederhosen nor a feathered cap!


Cyberhwk t1_irpax3a wrote

I thought they ran all the rapscallions out to Wenatchee?

When i started going to that thing they barely even HAD police there.


tdogg241 t1_irrg9yb wrote

Do they hold Oktoberfest festivities at the local high school?


Mr-Idea t1_irpc6n4 wrote

Why say Phoenix?


trekkerscout t1_irpcqwh wrote

Phoenix Security AKA rent-a-cop.


alex2002f t1_iruu3jw wrote

Only the 2 with tan pants are security. The 3 with green pants are Chelan county sheriffs deputies. Look up what the patch looks like. Those security officers were just assisting the sheriffs.


trekkerscout t1_iruuz4s wrote

That isn't proper procedure. Either the security officers make a citizen's arrest and the police/sheriff simply take custody after apprehension -or- the police/sheriff take charge of the scene and the security officers stand aside. The fact that the security officers are on the ground with the suspect typically means that they are making the arrest (and thereby taking full liability in the event of excessive force or false arrest).


alex2002f t1_iruvhhf wrote

Yeah I know that’s what’s interesting here. I am confused why there is only one deputy that’s involved in the apprehension while the others just watch him and the security guards.


No-Point-5296 t1_irpnlwg wrote

The clock on the wall said 10:10


Last call

For alcohol


XoomBF t1_irqwajn wrote

One Bourbon, one scotch and, one beer?


OkMulberry9596 t1_irsp4vs wrote

At what point does dressing like that become impersonating a police officer? The back of the body armor might say phoenix but the shape of the shoulder patch creates the illusion that you're about to deal with local law enforcement.


alex2002f t1_iruu9b8 wrote

Only the 2 with tan pants are security. The 3 with green pants are Chelan county sheriffs deputies. Look up what the patch looks like. Those security officers were just assisting the sheriffs.


Aconductor2 t1_irpbulu wrote

No comment on the advice of my legal team.


janderson75 t1_irrrq3p wrote

Quit going years ago when they quit letting you bar hop. Caged octoberfest takes away the whole reason of going to that town and renders it boring.


Cyberhwk t1_irrtv9a wrote

Making it "boring" and pushing out people who were just there to bar hop and get drunk has been their goal for years. When I started it was purely volunteer security and maybe one cop. Then too many people got too drunk and broke windows, got in fights, vandalized cars, etc. and now you have the security like they have in the picture. For a while they were considering not holding it at all.


Careless-Internet-63 t1_irs8ugu wrote

How do they not let you bar hop?


trekkerscout t1_irts29w wrote

The bartenders and servers are actually enforcing state law that forbids the serving of alcohol to obviously intoxicated individuals. The Liquor Control Board had a crackdown several years ago because of the massive increase in alcohol serving establishments (primarily the wine tasting rooms).


Careless-Internet-63 t1_iru6x16 wrote

That sounds not fun. I get cutting someone off if they can barely stand but if they're just having a good time cutting them off seems like a bad way to run an event centered around beer


TheTrueHellian t1_irsupif wrote

Wow. This is super unfortunate. It used to be many people partying with no real problems and hardly any security. Maybe security at the door, that's it. I served beer at Octoberfest for a few years and it was always rad!

ACAB (and in this case fuck rent-a-cops.)

Edit: I just read a local post that clarified this a bit. This photo has one of the two girls that were drunk and fighting one another. So, I don't know, I wasn't there. Sorry to see the security presence but if your acting a fool you're giving 'em a job.


Daveg2020 t1_irtvent wrote

Tada fighting, that's why. Defending a drunk fighting a drunk. In Leavenworth, there's laws. Stay in Seattle if you want lawlessness.


1rarebird55 t1_irs4ylb wrote

Looks nothing like what an Oktoberfest should be.


Jaded-Environment-95 t1_irtq7ud wrote

It’s a ghost of what it used to be! Too bad Leavenworth! You had a really good thing going & didn’t have intelligence enough to know how to deal with the awesome fun crowd that used to come there!! What a joke!!


bstolz03 t1_irs9s4m wrote

Ahh yes Nazi-Disneyland at its finest.


Idratherhikeout t1_irt7cii wrote

This is why I'm glad they moved the well behaved family focused Oktoberfest to Wenatchee



ScaryInformation2560 t1_irrq3rq wrote

And the reason why people have issues with law enforcement is?


trekkerscout t1_irs18ui wrote

Don't equate rent-a-cops with actual law enforcement. You will notice that the real police are standing back from the apprehension.


ScaryInformation2560 t1_irs7wqy wrote

Ok excessive use of force, but these rent a cops are probably cops working as security


trekkerscout t1_irs8j2b wrote

Phoenix doesn't pay enough to hire real cops with adequate training.


Jolaasen t1_irsur73 wrote

They are still stuck in 2020 with BLM.


YewSonOfBeach t1_irqok0i wrote

I can only imagine that the secret cafe with the area's best soup has shuttered in lieu of the White People Twitter onslaught?

This is truly unfortunate.
