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LongDistRider t1_isgycu2 wrote

Wishful thinking.


matchettehdl OP t1_ish989t wrote

Smiley outraised Murray by over $2 million in the third quarter.


Aromatic-Principle-4 t1_ishc09p wrote

GOP-supporting trash like you live on another planet it seems. You really think one of the most liberal states in the country will vote for a GOP senator while Graham and his bitches are floating a federal abortion ban? Go back to your fucking “anti-woke” sub.


effnakedteeth t1_ishlzva wrote

Unfortunately, these types of people are so hellbent on controlling others that they get out and vote. So much so that it is starting to worry me. Meanwhile the the middle is oblivious to the erosion of all that makes their lives the way it is that they are going to let it happen. They won't show the same passion until its already to late.


LapLeong t1_ishxlo6 wrote

Smiley is not going to win. Patty Murray is about to become of WA's most powerful senators since Magnus Magnusson.


dperkins88 t1_isirdzh wrote

I live in Olympia and we had a protest/march today of the super far right kind. The ones with the all black American flags, calling for the execution of democrats, and it was.. sad. Sad that people actually have such a pathetic mentality, but also sad cause there were like 15 people total that showed up. Lol


dperkins88 t1_isirqwn wrote

Eh.. I mean fundraising is also a skewed game. Democrats aren’t throwing their money towards someone that is showing as a safe bet. They’re tossing their money towards candidates in other states that are close. If Murray is locked in as a “safe bet Blue”, then why waste giving her money? Smiley is of course fundraising harder because it’s a much harder fight for her to even win.