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crumblednewman t1_isknf5t wrote

Our promised rains better show up next week. I'm so tired of this endless summer.


Kiefer0 t1_isn9vbe wrote

I assume you should get used to it. Hopefully I am wrong.


crumblednewman t1_isolaec wrote

No way, lol. I moved from an endless summer state for a reason. The short but glorious PNW summers of the past are perfect!


no1butnik t1_islbj63 wrote

I'm LOVING this endless summer!


River_Hippie18 OP t1_isln8xm wrote

We need the rain though. This isn’t the Washington I know and love.


Familiar_Audience655 t1_islujxl wrote

I moved from MO, so I’m loving this weather every bit!


River_Hippie18 OP t1_isly3np wrote

Just be ready for the rain. That’s what this state is know for.


Rocketgirl8097 t1_ismu69u wrote

Not on the east side of the state. Dry is normal for us, the high temps are just about 10-12 degrees higher than usual.


giant2179 t1_iskgezv wrote

I can smell this picture


Lifeson_355 t1_iskqo99 wrote

Wasn’t expecting to see Eatonville on Reddit today!


River_Hippie18 OP t1_islndvo wrote

I’m very surprised and impressed you could tell just from the church and the auto body shop.


frogz0r t1_isl7uo4 wrote

I'm in S Everett, and you could REALLY smell the smoke at 7 am this morning.

It wasn't terribly hazy outside, but you can still smell it now at 1:30.

My air purifier is working hard this year with the wildfires. :( I can't wait for the promised rains to show up...


victoriachiang t1_ismggkn wrote

I never thought that I would actually wish for the rain to come, but I really hope it comes in


HumorMajor979 t1_isko059 wrote

This smoke is horrible, normally it would only happen in August.


Commodore-2064 t1_isks3sb wrote

New normally it would be in August. In my 47 years living here I can’t think of a single summer with smoke before the 2010s onward.


sulfurbird t1_iskeel2 wrote

Beautiful image but best get inside!


psychsuze t1_ismmkwk wrote

So sad all the fires in Oregon and Washington. Was out in cascades two months ago and got a severe asthma attack from the Wenatchee fire. Still dealing with it. Feel really bad for asthmatics in areas with forest fires.


no1butnik t1_ismb3ii wrote

I'd be happiest if it went directly from gorgeous sunny days to heavy snow days. Bring on the winter!


therlwl t1_ismfcaf wrote

Thanx for not posting another Pic where that garbage is described as beautiful.


River_Hippie18 OP t1_ismgmmj wrote

It can make for some really cool photos but yeah, I’m done with this smoke and fires. This fire is new I believe and isn’t far from town.


Wellcraft19 t1_isl695y wrote

Clear on the west side today. AQI of 62 (vs 162 Saturday). Yet much warmer than yesterday.


HumorMajor979 t1_isl8zmu wrote

I'm in Skagit Valley and it's super bad. As it has been for about 3 weeks.


Wellcraft19 t1_ismqgpr wrote

Yeah, heard Snohomish and north has seen much more of the smoke than the Seattle area.


OGbigfoot t1_ism8yeu wrote

Bremerton is pretty bad too, just in the 50 yds that is my backyard there's a decent amount of haze.


Wellcraft19 t1_isp41g5 wrote

As many others have said, air quality (and the AQI) vary much locally. Some of us are in protected 'valleys'. Others are in valleys so 'protected' they fill with smoke quickly.


no1butnik t1_islbt3c wrote

There have been so many years past that were MUCH worse for wildfires. This one hasn't really been that bad, comparatively speaking.
