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[deleted] t1_isrrjaw wrote

“Why would we take concessions when they’re bragging everywhere about how much they’re making?” said Longview striker Pat Carlson, picketing at the plant’s Gate 1 so that ILWU members can honor their line. “Every quarter we smash the record.”

Amen. Wood costs more than an arm and a leg at this point. I support the workers. Thanks for posting.


rontrussler58 t1_istuibd wrote

I’m no socialist but timber products should be a state run industry.


ThurstonHowell3rd t1_istyue3 wrote

Why not everything grown here on private land then? Apples, wheat, soybeans? Where would it end?


[deleted] t1_isucce1 wrote

Ironically, as a leftist, I agree with you on this one. Dude above us actually is a socialist. I for one am more of a social democrat. Monopolies aren't good, state-run (even democratically state-run) or not.


rontrussler58 t1_isv54zn wrote

Well when it comes to crops that are stupidly easy to grow and require a ton of resources, it makes sense to give the largess generated by their cultivation back to the public. So maybe things like alfalfa, Timothy hay, and Doug for should be cultivated by the state.


ThurstonHowell3rd t1_istzo0j wrote

Q: Does a strike like this cause the price of the company's goods to go up or to go down?

I would think the former, and since I frequently buy lumber, I hope all this gets resolved soon, because it gives the company an excuse to raise their prices regardless of how much it affects their supply.


7of69 t1_issukyu wrote

Sounds like my wife’s company.

“Another year of record revenue!”

“No money for raises.”

Fuck these companies.


DaCheezItgod t1_isu53z6 wrote

My company has had insane growth and record profits. Took out millions in PPP loans and just announced this week pay cuts. Fuckin cuts at a time of high inflation


carrierael77 t1_isu8mhe wrote

This was me this year. Even so bad that we were told what our raises would be and when they would go into effect (raises are based off 2021). The day AFTER they were to go into effect we all got told that because of this years economy they will not be giving any raises. The day after.


E36E92M3 t1_isrp21k wrote

Rooting for them hard

-- A member of Teamsters local 174


Obvious_copout t1_issudqu wrote

Do not give in, they are stealing your money! Solidarity.


bagelsanbutts t1_isszz0w wrote

Thank you for sharing this, I was wondering if there was a public strike fund I could donate to. I saw them picketing at the Longview location when I was driving up to Long Beach for a weekend, I honked in support. - Fellow union sib in CWA


burneracct664453 t1_istl3f6 wrote

100% Solidarity. Those motherfuckers are so loaded it's obscene. I've had the displeasure of seeing their mansion on Gravelly lake and meeting some of their entitled asshole family. Take what you can from the owner class, they disgust me.


Lch207560 t1_isuhdou wrote

Not the media that's for sure


ramblinsam OP t1_isuomtz wrote

I noticed! I only found out when I drove by the strikers in Raymond. Went home, did some googling, and aside from a month-old local tv news spot, there’s been ZERO mainstream coverage.

I find it especially surprising none of the state or local papers are covering this. they usually have more room editorially to dive deep into local interest stories.

I don’t want to turn this into dogpile on regional journalism; I’m pretty grateful for the job journalists do. But they really missed the beat on this one.


Original-Ad-6010 t1_ituhgoz wrote

I work in Raymond and we have been trying for the last month or so to get media coverage, seems we are being ignored and are not important enough. Funny thing is we are the same union as the Boeing company and when they strike it’s on the news everywhere and everyday until the strike is over . They build airplanes and we produce lumber , seems like you would need more airplanes than lumber 🤔


Bardamu1932 t1_isvretz wrote

What local papers? They've been reduced to chain advertising sheets with little or no "news" in them.


ramblinsam OP t1_it0ulot wrote

I can’t argue that, I just read the online editions. The Olympian runs a half dozen decent stories of local import each day, but yeah the rest is clickbait content from their parent company. My local paper primarily runs high school sports, letters to ed, and maybe 1-2 items from city council meetings.


Librekrieger t1_isru4jz wrote

There are 13 people and a dog in that picture.


pedalikwac t1_istmpqy wrote

It’s actually a thumbnail to an entire article you can read!


Haisha4sale t1_istejtl wrote

Its a pretty big strike. Longshore doing a slowdown in solidarity I believe.


Librekrieger t1_istezft wrote

Yeah, the article says there are 1,100 people involved. Either it's spread out across many locations, or someone couldn't be bothered to get a photo of the real action.


HuskyKMA t1_isu0qvn wrote

LOL there's like 5 people on the picket line at the main gate in Longview at any given time. At night, they're asleep around a fire pit.