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itsmeonmobile t1_it187cr wrote

As if it’s not enough that every westerner calls the Appalachians “not real mountains,” now you wanna take the name too?


LydJaGillers t1_it18y6s wrote

Right! The Appalachians are just really really old mountains. Older than the Cascades. They the OG of mountains!


pala4833 t1_it2xs6v wrote

They're older than the North American continent. Bits of the same mountains are in Scotland and West Africa.


Calamity_Jesus t1_it2jv4k wrote

Ackchyually... OP is attempting to name them after the National Forest Service anti-fire mascot. The word for an area infested with smoke is 'smoky'.

The Great Smoky Mountains

Smokey the Bear.

That said, since this is the kind of pedantic nonsense people don't care to commit to memory, we could go with the absurd option: call them The Misty (or Steamy) Mountains.

The Great Smokies are named due to the daily mists rising out of what's technically a temperate rainforest. We may as well equally misrename the Cascades so that generations can scratch their head in bemusement. (Yes, I know that parts of the Cascades are temperate rainforests as well.. but the Smokies don't have a dry season).