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[deleted] t1_it8lfa7 wrote

That's cool - also don't forget to emphasize mushrooms. And possibly, if you are allowed, we have a lot of very beautiful lichen around here, lichen are a special symbiotic species and they add a lot of that ethereal magical green to our forests.

Just dropping some names (to give it a colorful feel would bring a lot to your world building. The soft, pearly green lichen on the trees is one of my favorite things.

And don't forget to fill your landscape with trees:

We don't realize it ourselves, but trees are an unusually important part of our landscape, especially in the suburbs you refer to. Children wait by trees for the bus, we walk and ride through trails, people have trees in their yards, etc. Many large trees are subconscious landmarks for people. Using trees as locational markers and descriptors will really make it very northwesty.