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Shparks97 t1_it8sdk7 wrote

I am very happy about this. I really hated the whole unseasonably hot October thing.


Blind-bigfoot OP t1_it8vqhf wrote

The smoke was so bad


paints_cats t1_ita81z2 wrote

It was extremely depressing and stressful. Today is so much better!


HumorMajor979 t1_it8jerm wrote

I've never felt such relief from rainfall. I hope it sticks around. ( and I'm a summer lover!)


starfyredragon t1_it9okiv wrote

My wife has a supposed cursed/blessed/echanted/something (I guess the term is blursed?) doll for Christmas. It's not possessed in the Chucky sense, but it's a little singing mouse doll that whenever she's activated it, without exception, there has been heavy precipitation within a week. Usually, she'd play it before Christmas and she'd get a white Christmas. When she was a kid, she once decided to play it during summer ten times in a row, and they got floods shortly thereafter.

After a week of smoke, I half-jokingly suggested to her that maybe she use it for good instead of chaos, and use it to end the smoke. I hadn't seen her use it often before (mainly just heard stories from her and her family), other than her playing it for Christmas (and we usually did get snow on or around Christmas).

Me, being the scientific minded person that I am, decided I'd test it if she decided to use it (she did, a few days ago). I brought up the weather station as she did, and watched it. The prediction was Friday (today), there would still be smoke. She pressed it, I refreshed the page... 3% chance of rain. She pressed it again, 6% chance of rain. Next press, also 3% chance of rain on Saturday popped up. This kind pattern kept up without skipping a beat until Friday (today) had a 90% chance of rain for Friday and Saturday, and the following days showed chance for rain, too. Now, I don't see any mechanism by which this could actually work, but by all appearances, it worked (granted, it could just be a coincidence, however unlikely).

But, just thought I'd share the story. Here's a picture of the blursed mouse.


ford7885 t1_it9qhhl wrote

It was inevitable of course. I'll miss the sun, definitely will NOT miss the smoke.

Worst of all is going from 88 degrees on Sunday to this cold miserable mess today. While 46 degrees & raining would be completely normal in late October, it just feels "extreme" this year.

Could have dealt with a few weeks of 60 degrees & light rain as a transitional period before heading completely into the miserable weather.


rocketpianoman t1_it9s680 wrote

Yeah the seasons haven't transitioned nicely at all. It's really been on a flip as soon as the season flips.


Upside_Down-Bot t1_it9s735 wrote

„˙sdılɟ uosɐǝs ǝɥʇ sɐ uoos sɐ dılɟ ɐ uo uǝǝq ʎllɐǝɹ s,ʇI ˙llɐ ʇɐ ʎlǝɔıu pǝuoıʇısuɐɹʇ ʇ,uǝʌɐɥ suosɐǝs ǝɥʇ ɥɐǝ⅄„


AdAdventurous8225 t1_ita3ogn wrote

Today was the 1st day in at least 2 weeks since I could see the sound from my front room windows


zippyboy t1_ita3qaw wrote

I'm making a fire tonight for the first time this season! Cats are loving it!


paulRosenthal t1_itae9po wrote

Check the interior ceiling areas of your house for roof leaks. It’s been so long since it rained that contractors are going to be backed up fixing all the leaks that were formed over the last 4 months.


arcanepsyche t1_it9h24k wrote

Yay for rain! Sad for cold!

I'm caught right in the middle.....


lmabear t1_itcgx31 wrote

The environment needed it, I preferred the heat however!


SockeyeSTI t1_itat86x wrote

Today was probably the worst day for it to rain for me. Had to do a bunch of things outside and then I couldn’t take a bunch of material over to storage because it can’t get wet. If only it started in Monday


cascaidianrevolution t1_itiv2y8 wrote

I know! It's great everything isn't going to be dead! Except for the deciduous trees . . . .


T3hArchAngel_G t1_it8nhcn wrote

I was kind of enjoying the warm October. Have to admit that it is pretty unseasonal though.