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PhuckSJWs t1_iu60yv2 wrote

I would temper your girlfriends expectation of Twilight-related things.

Yes, there is some, but not that much - a chintzy tour or two, some touristy knick-knacks to buy.

That said, the Olympic peninsula is BEAUTIFUL, although Oct/Nov can get very windy and stormy as that is when our fall storms start rolling in from the Gulf of Alaska (see our weather this week as an example).

Lots to see in and around Olympic National Park - Hurricane Ridge, Crescent Lake, all the beaches along the western coast. The Rain Forest itself. A full drive around the park can be fun (down the west coast, across to Olympia, back up through Gig Harbor, Bremerton, Sequim, Port Townsend, etc. All of those (except Olympia)are small towns with a small town feel.

And bonus is tourist season is dead then, so prices will be as cheap as they get for the year. But it also means may things might have shorter hours or even be closed.


No_Grade_2190 t1_iu67aua wrote

We inadvertently went camping near Forks at the peak of Twilight mania in the area and it was pretty funny. Everything had some kind of Twilight memorabilia, even the equipment rental company had a sign up saying Edward rented a tractor there or something like that. We haven’t been in quite a while so I imagine it’s died down quite a bit, definitely research to see what’s around.


-Velvet-Bat- t1_iue647z wrote

Just vacationed on the peninsula last week and can confirm - very little actually related to Twilight in Forks. Also OP, please realize that La Push Beach from the movie is actually in Oregon. This was a trip of a lifetime, but definitely wouldn't focus on the Twilight stuff as you'll likely be disappointed.