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ardesofmiche t1_iv1dch9 wrote

The way Christensen’s gunshot wound was described is interesting. A gunshot wound that barely bled? So little blood that deputies didn’t even notice it was a gunshot? That does vaguely sound like he was deceased at the time of shooting. But this investigation still stinks


newsreadhjw t1_iv1qoq7 wrote

I think there are other explanations that make sense. If I’m not mistaken, when someone is unlucky enough to get shot in the heart, death is pretty much immediate and the heart stops pumping instantly, and without blood pressure there’s actually not really any blood. People bleed out from gunshots that don’t hit critical organs, because their hearts keep pumping for quite a while. It’s a crazy story either way with tons of obvious information missing. Hope the Washington State Patrol or FBI can step in to investigate the sheriff. Sounds like they were something much worse than incompetent.


ardesofmiche t1_iv1r94z wrote

I think you are mistaken in your analysis of gunshot wounds. They bleed a lot. They bleed so much. Even if the gentleman was shot directly in the heart, there’s still blood in the heart and in the vena cava that would leak out, blood pressure or not. Death is never that immediate, even people shot directly in the chest have enough residual blood pressure for like 10 seconds of consciousness

Doesn’t explain how his dog died though!


_party_down_ t1_iv32k4y wrote

Here’s a thought… since they very clearly are lying about so much else, maybe they’re lying about that too. Either to create a reasonable doubt for the guy they are clearly trying to protect, or to cover for their earlier incompetence/lies in not immediately finding/disclosing the gunshot wound.