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Merfkin t1_iv1avkw wrote

Really sounds like those cops were desperate for the family to drop it with all that nonsense about a heart attack. So dismissive in literally the worst possible moment. Someone definitely knows the murderer/his family in the Sheriff's Office, I'd bet money on it, they really wanted the Christensens to think it was an accident, even when they had a suspect.


ardesofmiche t1_iv1dch9 wrote

The way Christensen’s gunshot wound was described is interesting. A gunshot wound that barely bled? So little blood that deputies didn’t even notice it was a gunshot? That does vaguely sound like he was deceased at the time of shooting. But this investigation still stinks


Parking_Mountain_691 t1_iv1e6l1 wrote

Lewis county apparently is full of incompetent investigators. What a joke. There needs to be an outside investigation into this BS


StupidizeMe t1_iv1hbat wrote

Suggests the shooter's family might have some kind of ties with the Lewis County Sheriff's Dept.


poppinwheelies t1_iv1jq83 wrote

Either the cops are attempting some strange coverup for a friend/family or they’re the dumbest, most incompetent detectives in the history of detectives. Every one of these idiots should be fired.


SatnWorshp t1_iv1kcys wrote

Was he holding his poor puppy when he was shot? The suspect said he only shot one time but the headline said they were both shot.


drdrdoug t1_iv1mfhj wrote

There is certainly something hinky here. First, one shot? One random shot killed the guy and his dog? And if I know anything from watching crime dramas, if there was little to no blood then his heart stopped immediately which means either a head shot, which would have been noticeable or a heart shot which would be a very very unlucky random shot, through the heart, and killing the dog such that the dog also was immediately immobilized (dead at his side).

This needs to get more light shined at it because something is screwey and the family needs answers and justice.


Acrotops t1_iv1mqn6 wrote

Was that a bit about a werewolf?


MyHappyAcnt t1_iv1nt1x wrote

Hope his family know about the new cold case law where they can request federal review of the case, sucks they have to bide their time until its deemed cold but at least there is something to do about it when police burry their crimes.


newsreadhjw t1_iv1qoq7 wrote

I think there are other explanations that make sense. If I’m not mistaken, when someone is unlucky enough to get shot in the heart, death is pretty much immediate and the heart stops pumping instantly, and without blood pressure there’s actually not really any blood. People bleed out from gunshots that don’t hit critical organs, because their hearts keep pumping for quite a while. It’s a crazy story either way with tons of obvious information missing. Hope the Washington State Patrol or FBI can step in to investigate the sheriff. Sounds like they were something much worse than incompetent.


ardesofmiche t1_iv1r94z wrote

I think you are mistaken in your analysis of gunshot wounds. They bleed a lot. They bleed so much. Even if the gentleman was shot directly in the heart, there’s still blood in the heart and in the vena cava that would leak out, blood pressure or not. Death is never that immediate, even people shot directly in the chest have enough residual blood pressure for like 10 seconds of consciousness

Doesn’t explain how his dog died though!


drdrdoug t1_iv1tkdg wrote

Ha, made your day with a typo. Usually people use context to correct. I meant hinky and it autocorrected and I did not notice. Glad I made your day :-) (It has been corrected)


ItDolph t1_iv1zpov wrote

While we're on the topic of dipshit cops, why does Pierce County have body cams but King County doesn't?


Seattle_gldr_rdr t1_iv24n39 wrote

Seems like the only thing to investigate is how the suspect and police are connected.


ExtraNoise OP t1_iv293xh wrote

I thought your initial reply was totally chill and in good humor. So much so, in fact, that I think maybe pala was also making a joke about making it ugly?

Either way, I think you're good.


AdAdventurous8225 t1_iv2ahnj wrote

As I was reading this, I was thinking that someone is either family or good friends with these murderers. Would love to see the Feds step in. Because this is just a cluster f*ck now. His family needs to sue Lewis County sheriff department. Maybe a wrongful death suit too. Good family my Aunt Fanny.


AdAdventurous8225 t1_iv2av2h wrote

Is this State forest or in National forest land? I'm just curious.


ardesofmiche t1_iv2ay35 wrote

Even a gunshot directly through the heart will allow blood from the vena cava to drain out. The vena cava holds a significant amount of blood which would definitely be noticeable


avitar35 t1_iv2do6c wrote

This. Is. Fucked. You cannot as a firearm owner be throwing rounds around at a popular recreational area, at one of the most popular times of the year. Thats before we get to the fact it was at night. It gives every legal firearm owner a bad name, and he couldn't even legally buy it at 20. I dont know that Ive ever seen such an atrocious investigation. At this point, a third party investigation needs to be happening lead by a different sheriffs department (rooting for King County on that one). The Lewis County Sheriffs Office needs to be held accountable for their mishandling of the case, and those members to be reprimanded.


bubbamike1 t1_iv2khi3 wrote

Sounds like a small town corrupt Sheriff’s Department protecting a local.


eyeoxe t1_iv2oyjj wrote

Unfortunately many cops are like many politicians. It takes a certain "type" to even want the job. The worst type.


forcedintothis- t1_iv2rksh wrote

The county sheriff is horrible. He’s a corrupt, racist, anti-vaxxer. Vote him out!


Capnjack84 t1_iv2svne wrote

WTF is Lewis County Sheriffs office trying to pull? Seems like they’re trying to protect the 20yo Asbach. That needs to be investigated further just as much as the wrongful death. May have just been negligence to start but the sheriff’s office has made it a conspiracy/obstruction of justice and whole lot more.


blaaguuu t1_iv2ue3c wrote

It's kind of incredible how little sense any of the stories make... Like if I saw a movie where a criminal or the police came up with these excuses, I would say it's terrible writing - nobody would put forward a story that stupid, and expect anyone to buy it.


PM_me_urPastaRicetta t1_iv31e6q wrote

Don’t worry! The Lewis County Sheriff’s twin brother is the Thurston County Sheriff. When either department needs an investigation into their action the bros always step up to investigate each other.

Totally normal and we love it!


_party_down_ t1_iv32k4y wrote

Here’s a thought… since they very clearly are lying about so much else, maybe they’re lying about that too. Either to create a reasonable doubt for the guy they are clearly trying to protect, or to cover for their earlier incompetence/lies in not immediately finding/disclosing the gunshot wound.


Zoomalude t1_iv32xza wrote

Yep, odds are the shooter's parents are buddies/family with the cops or they go to the same church. I can just see it, the shooter told some story about it being an accident (and for all we know it was but that doesn't matter) and then it's "his life can't be ruined over an accident with an out-of-towner". Fuck this shit.


darlantan t1_iv35g9b wrote

Given how someone has already pointed out that a person has basically confessed already, I think it would be imprudent to rule out the more mundane possibility that the cops in question really are that shitty at their jobs and that this has mostly been the thin blue line trying to cover for their own initial incompetence.


Zarkxac t1_iv398yz wrote

What kind of sociopath kills the puppy too?


MisterIceGuy t1_iv3sh8b wrote

This article needs to be shared on more platforms!


smegdawg t1_iv5hulu wrote

The only bullet thing is relatively plausible.

An Australian Cattle dog(blue heeler) at 4 months old is small. 10 to 15 lbs.

He absolutely could have been carrying the dog against his chest and a bullet then went through both of them.


OwnedByBernese t1_iv5l4rw wrote

The sheriff is a Snaza…of course it’s shady.


vanisaac t1_iv9b303 wrote

The shooter is from Thurston County, and the Lewis and Thurston County sheriffs are brothers. Not suggesting anything in particular, but if there is a connection that is causing this, it could run through the north. Also interesting that this is coming out right when the sheriff is in a tough reelection campaign that has had some serious political shenanigans that almost toppled the county Republican party chairperson.