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Rocketgirl8097 t1_iv4jbvk wrote

What people should believe from these ads is that Tiffany Smiley doesn't have any understanding of how government works and therefore has no business running. (And she's not talking about the Canadian border she's complaining about the Mexican border.)


mikeyfireman t1_iv5ej5w wrote

Yes. Some Mexican drug lord walked 1000 miles from mexico spreading drugs on every playground like Johnny Appleseed.


Estaca-Brown t1_iv5nbye wrote

His name is Juanito Fentanyl and his statue stands tall in his home town in the state of Sinaloa! /s


sourpussmcgee t1_iv5vunq wrote

This exactly. Like blaming the problems in Seattle on US senators. It’s ridiculous. I hope she loses.


udubdavid t1_iv4lpbn wrote

Political ads are stupid. I just want a politician that tells me why I should vote for them and what they can do for me and my community instead of just attacking the other person. Those ads immediately turn me off.


Antzz77 t1_iv69lhi wrote

This is one of my litmus tests.

It's so easy to see that every ad for Smiley has content 100% focused on how terrible the other person is.

If, on the other hand, you see any ads for Marilyn Strickland (not running for the same office), you see ads that 100% talk about what Strickland has done.

When a politician only attacks others, pretty good guess the attacker has very little to say about their own work.


schwenkmom t1_iv6bdpy wrote

Exactly what my husband said yesterday. Tell me what you’re going to do to make things better, bit trash talk your opponents with half truths and smear campaigns.


Old-AF t1_iv4jr46 wrote

These are some of the most asinine political commercials I’ve ever seen. Blaming a US Senator for local crime is so disingenuous, FFS. Tiffany Smiley is no more qualified to be a US Senator than I am. Hell, I’m probably more qualified.


rosesandpiglets t1_iv4kl6f wrote

I was going to say, you sound coherent, making you at least 3 degrees more qualified than Tiffany “my blind husband is in a wheelchair, vote for me” Smiley


Old-AF t1_iv4koqi wrote

Yeah, and that’s after 2 1/2 glasses of wine, you should see me completely sober, probably at least 5% better then.


Kawikami99336 t1_iv5t0ej wrote

She also is an "America First" candidate. That means she's aligned with the fat orange blowhard. Instant NOPE from me. I vote for no one who is "America First" They really mean "Back to the 50's" It's also very scummy that she is using her husband's military service and his injuries as campaign material. She DIDN'T serve. That means her opinion means nothing to those of us who did.


TraaashTVaddict t1_iv4ow9u wrote

But wait, how many times have you moved in the past three years? Your answer will determine if you are qualified (especially if there were kids in tow)


Old-AF t1_iv4p5vv wrote

I’ve lived in the same house in Puyallup for 27 yrs; I’m out!


H2Bro_69 t1_iv4m3o9 wrote

Her entire campaign is almost centered around blaming a U.S. Senator for crime in Seattle.

She is from Pasco and currently lives in Pasco. Went to college at Whitworth University in Spokane. She grew up on a farm and went to a very Christian school for nursing. Yet she has the audacity to act like she knows anything about Seattle or its problems. Fuck you Smiley. You’re full of shit. If you want to run for statewide office and you’re going to target the state’s biggest city and economic hub, you’re not going to win. A good Washington state senator would try to unify the state instead of divide it.

Why does someone who lives in Pasco care about crime in Seattle? Because they want to score vain political points.


eity4mademe t1_iv5afiq wrote

I thought her entire campaign was "my husband lost an eye in the war".


cheekabowwow t1_iv5bcju wrote

The whole state isn’t just Seattle and people need to stop acting like it is.

Edit: A bunch of downvotes and typical replies. Shocking.


tdogg241 t1_iv5f8kv wrote

The only people acting that way are conservatives.


Zarkxac t1_iv5jzoz wrote

I feel like most conservative politicians haven't even set foot in Seattle with how much they exaggerate.


tdogg241 t1_iv5ltl8 wrote

Absolutely. Or their one experience in the city is drinking downtown before a Seahawks game, and it's their first time seeing folks who are unsheltered.


Candid-Mine5119 t1_iv5mkjr wrote

I was at a rural meeting & 1 old gent said he “packs heat” for any visit to Seattle, Tacoma or Olympia (Lacey is OK tho)


BrainJar t1_iv6brs9 wrote

What's the alternative, when that's what she's attacking in her ads? Should we take a good hard look at the perfection that Pasco is and see if we can apply that to the rest of the state? Oh wait, she's NEVER been in public office before, so we have NOTHING to compare to. Quite convenient. She's just looking to take advantage of the right and grift as much as she can off it, like her compatriots. It's transparent...but it's not going to fly in Washington. She should move to Florida or Texas...she'd fit right in.


AdventureBum t1_iv68vq1 wrote

Then why is Smiley so obsessed with it?

Edit in response to your edit - what the fuck kind of response did you expect with such a dumb comment?


Librekrieger t1_iv4mvhz wrote

The ads don't sway people, but they do work.

Few change their opinion, but quite a lot of people fail to vote because of apathy or laziness or because it's inconvenient. Ads MOTIVATE people. If Smiley spends more, then more people who already dislike Patty Murray will spend the ten minutes it takes to sit down and vote.

So the ads don't have to be so good that they convince opponents to change views. They just have to push the right buttons.


Stymie999 t1_iv6bwac wrote

TBF Murray went negative with her ads far earlier and has hammered us with them more than Smiley… she has spent far more than Smileys campaign doing this


rosesandpiglets t1_iv4iusf wrote

Yeah they’ll blame her for a couple years of rising murder rates while ignoring like decades of it lowering.

It is offensive to anyone with basic critical thinking skills


CamDaHuMan t1_iv63nod wrote

People without basic critical thinking skills are the people who vote for republicans.

People with basic critical thinking skills are the ones that elect republicans.


DarkHelmet112 t1_iv5lrvt wrote

If she doesn't claim Patty "stole" the election after she loses, I'll eat one of her campaign signs.


BarnabyWoods t1_iv656k7 wrote

I emailed Smiley to ask one simple question: Who won the presidential election in 2020? No response, of course.


Gofigurepipes t1_iv6xxl2 wrote

I’d like to ask her what the hell on earth problem could she possibly have with Social security.


BarnabyWoods t1_iv702v1 wrote

IT'S SOCIALISM! Any true American would rather see his granny die than accept a government check.


lostprevention t1_iv7x2en wrote

I asked how she became a millionaire after quitting her nursing job.


papayabush t1_iv4zovi wrote

well yes. they do unfortunately. my grandparents firmly believe that some lawmakers want to legalize abortions at 8-9 months because of the ads they’ve seen. you’re basically just allowed to spew complete bullshit and many people get suckered into believing it.


Substantially-Ranged t1_iv5ikns wrote

The MAGA cult all have one physiological issue in common: permanently activated amygdala. They are in a constant state of fight-or-flight. These types of ads--regardless of how irrational they are--are highly effective with the MAGA cult. They fuel their belief that the world is a terrible place, full of dangers, and that only "strong men" can make the changes necessary to preserve their safety. Even when their "strong men" are in power, they continue to be in fear mode because "the hidden elite are trying to take us down." It's psychotic.


Gwtheyrn t1_iv4lpt1 wrote

Even though Washington's education system is better than most, it's still the United States, and therefore full of willful ignorance and outright stupidity


DukeReaper t1_iv4m4nx wrote

It rained today because the border is open..... if enough people say it, then it's true, if it's true, then it's facts...#newfacts lol


yensid87 t1_iv5kgo2 wrote

The Canadians are coming, The Canadians are coming!

We’re coming for your women and Chick Fil A 👹

Edit: whoever downvoted this 🤣


CamDaHuMan t1_iv63ywf wrote

I live in a border community and they come for the cheap cheese and gas at Costco plus Trader Joe’s.

To be clear—I’m cool with this because it means my small town has a HUGE Costco.


yensid87 t1_iv65yqs wrote

Hello Bellinghamian. I’m honestly in your area 2+ times a week lately. I’ve honestly been to Trader Joe’s only once, and I get my gas at the Pilot in Ferndale, always a bit cheaper than Costco.


Zarkxac t1_iv5jjdu wrote

She's talking about the Mexican border even though it's it's already a needlessly secured border. Also she is a massive fear monger.


[deleted] OP t1_iv5r3eh wrote

trumps voters believe anything that comes out of any of his goons mouths, it doesnt target people in the center, just to outrage those who already believe it to hopefully drive more of them to vote for her and cause more division between the people


Xbalanque_ t1_iv5owep wrote

Lies and scare tactics are all Republicans have to run on. They don't talk seriously about "policy" anymore, just demonization, and lies lies lies.


kateinoly t1_iv5tpch wrote

Her ads are over the top, and yes, (stupid) people believe it. Her signs are blue and green, to fool (stupid) people into thinking she's a Democrat, too.


thayeda t1_iv4lbw8 wrote

Everyone has it in their head who they are going to vote for and no amount of nonsense advertisements is going to change that typically………sad but true


Candid-Mine5119 t1_iv5ms1x wrote

But who returned their ballot? The person motivated by Tiff’s bs or you?


thayeda t1_iv612yo wrote

Hopefully everyone returns their ballot


Candid-Mine5119 t1_iv7l8ej wrote

Indeed perhaps I should say but who is discouraged or made more apathetic about voting by the messages Does an ad influence ballot return rates?


Relaxbro30 t1_iv4xcjz wrote

Most republican ads are projection and gaslighting. Dems can be pretty annoying too though. But I definitely called Smiley a dumb cunt in reaction to some of her ads.


bwc_28 t1_iv60gtl wrote

G aslight

O bstruct

P roject

It's all they have.


Posideoffries92 t1_iv62qqm wrote

"the border" will always be the coded language for the US Mexico border.


yensid87 t1_iv63hd9 wrote

Which makes the “attack” ads even crazier. I mean, I’m very accustomed to attack ads during elections, we have them here too, but not quite as… factually liberal al some of the ones I’ve seen lately. How she is insinuating that a representative for Washington State has anything to do with a federal border, which is, at its closest, 1100 miles from said state, is crazy.


grapeormelon t1_iv4t3js wrote

Colorado has a few GOP campaigns like that too. As example, Lauren Boebert (maybe you’ve heard of her lol), who will more than likely win her race.

It’s a nation wide GOP talking point. In Denver, it really feels like our local police are helping the narrative along.

DPD is basically useless, whilst demanding more money. We’re being held hostage.

Last month, all we heard about was rainbow fentanyl, how drug dealers don’t care how many children/people they kill, it’s the point, yadda yadda, but it’s also somehow all about the money they make. I don’t know, seems like a faulty business model to me.

Yes, this type of campaign does and will work because the Republican Party can’t win on platform and policy anymore, they openly lie, cheat, steal, intimidate on a grander stage than a PNW border towns local race.

It’s planned, it’s purposeful, and the majority of people who vote for them are in on it too. they’ve been promised blood, they’re thirsty for it.

We are in serious fucking trouble.

PS. Just saw my daughter off to UVic. 🥹 she’s having the best time. She visits next week and I cannot wait.


Ok_Ideal2 t1_iv5wxv7 wrote

They sway idiots who believe stupid shit like QAnon conspiracy theories. Those ads are insulting to everyone and should be embarrassing for the politicians.


JRandallC t1_iv5d3uz wrote

Ads like this aren't meant to sway. They're meant to reinforce. People with undefendable ideologies are looking for anything that will reinforce their stance so they don't have to change.


datshiney t1_iv4p6lx wrote

I got 3 smear campaign ads from Tiffany Smiley’s campaign. She is trying real hard.


Chubbucks t1_iv5ngmz wrote

Right?? I heard that ad too and had to wonder what border she was talking about. I wondered if it was Oregon 🤣🤣


MotherOfCatsAndAKid t1_iv5zmfj wrote

I absolutely despise Smiley, and I haven’t seen this ad, but if I did it would make my opinion on her even worse. She’s also apart of the reason woman’s constitutional reproductive rights are being changed/taken away, it’s like in these political ad’s (and just in general) they’re allowed to spew BS lies out of their mouth, with no need for proof to back their lies up with. I HATE it.


Gofigurepipes t1_iv63n7s wrote

The ads this smiley is running are an insult to the average person ironically funny to the rest. She needs to stick with home life. I know where Patty stands.


mrunlimited3 t1_iv667f3 wrote

The crazy thing is she’s talking about the Mexican border.


dudinax t1_iv66tbn wrote

To Republicans, "The Border" is short hand for scary Mexicans. They aren't even thinking about the border they actually live next to.


catlesbian420 t1_iv67060 wrote

If someone’s already a lunatic then these ads keep encouraging them yes (I’ve seen it happen) A well-informed person would not believe Canadians are crossing the border to get toddlers hooked on dope lol


Canuck_yankee t1_iv68bsm wrote

She also has an ad with some lady talking about crime who sounds like she is faking being sick so she doesn’t have to go to work.


uberpop t1_iv5k3ud wrote

She’s talking about the Mexican border. It’s the Republican boogeyman. Republican voters 100% believe this shit.


Plethman60 t1_iv5l8r5 wrote

Only the ones that want to believe. We get this crap because when you give super rich people tax brakes they get to buy elections. It will only get worse because people know all the Kardasian's by name but don't know who their senator is.


iraxl t1_iv5n04k wrote

Should try posting this on r/SeattleWA :)


sheabodybutters t1_iv5tghh wrote

Political elections have become a source of mockery. It’s all about whose famous, who can lie the most, who can brainwash the most and then there’s a handful of us still educated, still trying to keep this country from falling into a sort of Christian communism.. it’s terrible here. Turn back. Run. Save yourselves.


Cookiesoncookies t1_iv63uso wrote

If they didn’t work they wouldn’t spend $$$ on making and publishing that trash


schwenkmom t1_iv6b8eb wrote

F Tiffany Smiley and every republican in Washington 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽


True2this t1_iv6bc4g wrote

Oh for sure, people will believe anything. They’re looking for excuses and politicians give them the excuse.


black-rhombus t1_iv4rvwl wrote

The ads absolutely work. Ads in general work.


Designer_Hotel_5210 t1_iv5bvyn wrote

What's silly about ads like that are most illegals who come to this country fly here and stay versus crossing our borders on the ground. So, build more fences...


dubzi_ART t1_iv5d291 wrote

These political ads are getting out of hand. I’m getting real tired of these two sides


patrioticamerican1 t1_iv69nrx wrote

OK so if you can't get the connection between an open southern border and rampant drug problem then I can't help you and I don't think she ment to say the Canadian border was the isssue. And if you didn't see the part where she stated Pedophile Joe won the election but there is serious issues that happened in the 2020 election that never happened before.


yensid87 t1_iv69xsd wrote

Ohhh you’re Republican! Got it. I can tell from your witty insults based on fantasy. Why would she be concerned about the Mexican border as a representative from Washington? That’s 1,100 miles from Vancouver, Washington.


SeatlleTribune t1_iv4zy4u wrote

Those ads are for idiots and they do work. Smiley has a very good chance


[deleted] OP t1_iv5uyy2 wrote



rosesandpiglets t1_iv5y3sb wrote

No, the 8th is the last day actually.

But still. Get your ballot in early folks


tony121966 t1_iv65ftn wrote

Dude Patty Murray is a disgraceful representative(Senator) of the state of Washington just like Jay Inslee(governor). Terrible greedy,self centered,arrogant people. That really don't give a F about the people.


Trick_Doctor3918 t1_iv60gs4 wrote

Reading this whole thread... What idiotic and uninformed statements. You're as bad or worse than the MAGA-heads on the other side. Go look in the mirror if you want to see why things are the way they are.


yensid87 t1_iv61s6v wrote

Worse than Trump supporters; that’s rich 😂


AttitudePopular6549 t1_iv5oasc wrote

Definition of insanity, voting for the same person over and over, and expecting different results. We have record breaking crime for a reason but it doesn't matter how eastern Washington votes. King County always fucks us.


_elbarbudo_ t1_iv5umnk wrote

>We have record breaking crime for a reason

Citation needed


beatleboy07 t1_iv6c2pt wrote

>King County always fucks us.

Says the eastern Washingtonian happy to receive services primarily funded by King County.


[deleted] OP t1_iv4mu93 wrote



vhackish t1_iv4xw80 wrote

Very flawed logic, but people do seem to buy it unfortunately.


Adseg5 t1_iv4i09a wrote

People on either extreme have a tendency to agree with whatever the talking box tells them.


Max-McCoy t1_iv50vhn wrote

It’s a general reference to the southern border which is virtually open. Industrial scale fentanyl production is occurs in Mexico with the aid of Chinese precursor chemicals. The cartel’s networks move fentanyl and all drugs pretty much freely once it’s inside the US. Fentanyl is now prolific. In a small nearby community fentanyl laced pills were found in a first graders backpack, left there by parents. The problem is probably worse than you think.

Washington is a democrat stronghold, highly affected by their version of politics. In general, there are three disasters the Republicans are using to prop up their candidates: lies of the Biden administration, inflation and crime. The open border disaster is part of the crime angle.


[deleted] OP t1_iv55d01 wrote



Max-McCoy t1_iv55wpv wrote

I assume you are calling me an idiot. Whatever.

I’m not a republican or a democrat.

One of the things most notable about current democrats is they are all practicing confession by projection.

There is a term that suits you, however. Stalin coined it. Useful idiot.


Retaeiyu t1_iv56bpy wrote

See, the ads have been working on you well.


Max-McCoy t1_iv57c86 wrote

See what? My knowledge of this administrations lies, fentanyl proliferation and the open border didn’t come from a 30 second ad. I don’t even know who this lady is. My point was simply what I stated, which is the three main talking points the republicans are using to stump with prior to the election and it’s not Canada. Democrats have done such a shitty job with everything that folks are fed up. I don’t need to be on one side or the other to point this out. Just because democrats are losing a lot of political ground to republicans, it does not mean things will magically, suddenly get better. It just means the pendulum swung their direction because of how shitty the democrats did. I’m curious what stupid reply you will now have for me.


Retaeiyu t1_iv58zkz wrote

See, the ads have been working on you well.


Max-McCoy t1_iv59725 wrote

Why are you repeating yourself? It’s still not relevant.


mundane_prophet t1_iv5a51e wrote

Because of the things you say. They are the things stupid people say.


Max-McCoy t1_iv5apil wrote

Ahhhh, sorry, I failed to realize I was being addressed by my morally superior and obviously smarter, (just ask you, everyone says so) rando on Reddit, a lefty bullshit echo chamber. My bad. Carry on.


mundane_prophet t1_iv5b5wz wrote

"I'm not democrat or republican." Blah blah blah.


Max-McCoy t1_iv5bcr2 wrote

Both parties are batshit. But whatever democrat. Have fun in your circle jerk.


mundane_prophet t1_iv5cx8e wrote


Max-McCoy t1_iv5dil8 wrote

And Biden is a great president.


mundane_prophet t1_iv5g3v8 wrote

Definitely not "great" but adequate for the times, and maybe not even that. At the time of the election he was not an election denier, open proud bigot, who would let the country burn around him just so he could have a few more people chant his name to fuel his ego. He also at the very least is willing to live in reality. Willing to listen to experts who have spent decades mastering their fields. Is not part of the continued genocidal campaign against trans individuals. Willing to seek solutions to our current economic woes beyond just more money for billionaires. Able to admit when he is wrong, like a functional adult does. While their might be some weird hair touching or something, he's not a open and proud rapist. Believes vaccines are good. Seems to be a loving and caring father and husband. Doesn't take joy in political violence being enacted against his opponents.

Definitely not perfect, definitely not going to be the greatest president ever. But yes, you are being disingenuous or a fucking moron equating the two sides.


Max-McCoy t1_iv6bwy4 wrote

That you think there is anything decent about that mean, senile, doing all the bullshit he always did, lie, is beyond the pale.

It would be fun to take every statement you made and point out how backwards it is, but I don’t have the time. Biden literally let cities burn. He’s a career and now geriatric politician that ONLY fuels his own ego. He’s just not Trump so you think it’s a contrast, it’s not. Live in reality? He tells you the far right is the greatest threat to you but pursues war by proxy with Russia, who promises to use nukes to avoid losing. Experts in their field? Look around you. Hyperinflation is almost at hand. Watch the fed hike rates again. We are in an existential fuel crisis but it’s being ignored.

Your statement is a perfect example of just how delusional democrats are right now, whitewashing with reckless abandon and refusing to take responsibility.

This is why you lose. For stupid reasons too. We could of handled the woke, blm, dei, and trans bullshit if you hand let the wolves into flock. But you did. Now we have to face a bunch of prideful religious bat cases try to fix what democrats fucked up. And that will be a disaster in a different way. Meanwhile us moderate, fiscally conservative, socially liberal independent voters get fucked by all of this crazy political religion you created. I’m just done. Eff the republicans but double eff every democrat for being so stupid. I forgot to mention the pandemic response, and how actually evil that was. Democrats were in charge. Own it, don’t do it again.


of_patrol_bot t1_iv6by81 wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


[deleted] OP t1_iv4lppe wrote



hyrailer t1_iv4saio wrote

She is, in no way, a progressive.


lurker-1969 t1_iv5xczn wrote

By her own words she claims to be Progressive


Nothing_WithATwist t1_iv61j5i wrote

Yeah, okay. In that case, I have a bridge to sell you.


lurker-1969 t1_iv632v6 wrote

Fuck off. Do the work and read what she has stated, You are just a troll mouthpiece.


hyrailer t1_iv6r10t wrote

Nobody on this topic really cares what she's calling herself this week, or any time. She's not a progressive.