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DeaditeMessiah t1_ivpaekt wrote

I care! There's not many of us willing to fight this smothering of all argument and heterodox opinion. But I understand.


xigloox t1_ivpaewh wrote

Welcome to reddit, where if you're not left, you're wrong.


Twin_Peaks_Townie t1_ivpaypy wrote

13 day old account that is obviously a throwaway...
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


pala4833 t1_ivpe9l7 wrote

Ragequitting is never a good look. K'bye.

Plus, that's not how "thread" is used.


whatever5678943 OP t1_ivpgp9r wrote

It's actually a new account because I couldn't login to my old account that was two years old due to not having access to that email anymore. The door didn't hit me. I'm just sad people are so rude. Like you for example.


OnSandersFuckStick t1_ivph8sc wrote

Found the Republican.

Sorry we don't think highly of hate.



reasonandmadness t1_ivph9us wrote

It's not that they're rude, they just don't care. You're a nameless faceless individual on the internet and we've grown desensitized to the emotions of a world without names or faces.

People simply don't care until you make a post like this and make them care.

If you hadn't posted, we'd have never missed you in the first place because we don't know you and didn't even know you existed.


intrepidated t1_ivpx9ng wrote

It's not "lefties" it's "people." There's just more of them. More people, more problems, more compounding of problems. Doesn't matter what your political ideology is. Most people would rather live in a place with civil liberties than one that enforces religious dogma through law and enacts hate against non-whites, non-straight, and women in policy. So they tend to overcrowd the few places where they can have those liberties.

The people who believe in those things but don't like the overcrowding then move. Other like-minded people then follow. Over time, their destination becomes attractive to enough people it starts to face the same overcrowding problems.

Solution is to enact civil liberty policies and unwind religious dogma from law everywhere so future generations in the currently unattractive less-populated areas won't grow up so bigoted. Then there's no need to have places like Seattle get so overcrowded.


Futlanito t1_ivqkmga wrote

Fascist take themselves out. Good.


East-Relationship592 t1_ivqkvgt wrote

Don’t take things personal, especially with randoms on the internet haha


Moxie_Stardust t1_ivqv4as wrote

This is like the only post you've made in this subreddit that I can see, so I don't even know what you're on about.


stardew_snail t1_ivqxuvr wrote

“Weh, backing politicians that deny valid election results, cause harm to minorities, and who’s policies hurt demographics other than mine isn’t tolerated 😢”


Xbalanque_ t1_ivr0iv7 wrote

"My troll contract ran out but on the way out the door I will post some shiat one more time."


ScreamingTatertot t1_ivrxxkq wrote

Honestly there is nothing keeping you out of pikes place. It's as busy as always. Nobody is going to attack you in broad daylight. This is so hyperbolic it's laughable. Just don't go traipsing about alone downtown in the middle of the night and you are safe.

The city is bigger and has big city problems. Homelessness shouldn't be criminalized. Addicts need help. Things clearly need to get better, but pushing camps around the city is expensive and extremely disruptive to people trying to survive. The city needs to improve, but unless your camping on the sidewalk you're probably safe.