Submitted by Sodokufire t3_yrpizz in Washington

Hello! I have never driven to Portland before, nor has anyone I know. Apple maps says it’s about a 3 hour drive but it isn’t accounting for traffic. How bad is the traffic on I-5 going to Portland?

I would assume that if I leave at 12:30 on a Friday I would hit bad traffic and the trip would maybe even take 4 hours or more. Which if it took 4 hours I would miss the event I am planning for and it would be pointless.

Does anyone have any experience with that drive from Redmond to Portland around 12-4 on Friday and know how bad it is and if it’s even worth it?

Thanks in advance!



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Xbalanque_ t1_ivvjezf wrote

Be sure to check the volcano forecast before you go.


Sodokufire OP t1_ivvr33m wrote

I have not heard of a volcano forecast lol. I’m guessing it’s for smoke or venting? I’m assuming it’s not for large eruptions because I think I would’ve heard about that. I could be wrong. Thanks for the heads up


Afro_Samurai t1_ivuu4s1 wrote

Google's estimate for departing Redmond at 12:30 Fri is 3h10m to 4h50m. Friday traffic is certainly better, and the weather won't be bad, but I think if you can leave earlier it's a good idea.


bedlog t1_ivuztod wrote

Its 3 hours from Kent. Olympia hiway 101 and I-5, and south of Tacoma are sticking points for traffic bottle necks. Between Centralia and Chehalis it can be slow. Remember, a lot of Portland people are going back to Portland.


Lupine-lover t1_ivyjgl6 wrote

This is correct, I-5 just past Tacoma is a deathly molasses in winter slog….never fails to disappoint for the last few times I’ve done the drive. Bring some audiobooks or podcasts to catch up on.


bedlog t1_ivzaokw wrote

Usuallyvits for no reason too. Could be a random disabled car on the shoulder with hazards on, and you'd think with the way cars are stopped, that a giant sink hole opened up at DuPont and is nom nom-ing its way through I-5.


MxAshk t1_ivwmtrs wrote

You need to worry about jblm traffic. Since Friday is a holiday everyone will be trying to leave base. Major choke point.


CIAidiot t1_ivuucnb wrote

I have driven to Salem(past Portland) from Lake Stevens on a Friday it it took about 4 hours.


sparkleyflowers t1_ivuurw0 wrote

Vancouver resident, here. Traffic going south into Portland shouldn’t be too bad; traffic will be heavy going north back into Vancouver from the commuters. To be safe, it might be wise to give yourself a extra time to get there just in case there is any traffic heading south. Rush hour in Portland tends to start early on Fridays.


Sodokufire OP t1_ivuw94v wrote

I don’t have to much extra time unfortunately without being late to the event, that’s one reason why I was asking. I will definitely keep what you said in mind, thank you!


upleft t1_ivygvzv wrote

Leave earlier and plan to hang out at cafe or something near your event as a buffer.


aimeec3 t1_ivvdox6 wrote

It may be ok because Friday is Veterans day so no school and many off of work hopefully not as bad of traffic. The worst traffic is through Tacoma and near JBLM.