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beef-medallions t1_ivzpw1n wrote

What could go wrong?


acre18 t1_ivzze1g wrote

A species native to the area could remain displaced, imparting numerous observed and unobserved ecological consequences?

Is that the answer you were looking for?


[deleted] t1_iw0khao wrote



acre18 t1_iw0l01k wrote

I don’t know what to tell you if you think the unprecedented global loss of biodiversity isn’t serious or at the very least alarming you’re lost.


[deleted] t1_iw0lkau wrote



acre18 t1_iw0lqcp wrote

Classic NIMBY lol if nothing else at least Washingtonians are consistent


CnD123 t1_iw0lzga wrote

LOL. Sorry I enjoy backpacking and dont want to worry about getting eaten alive, because a bear is feeding on a dead elk near the trail and views me as a threat.

Lets put the fucking grizzlies in your back yard?


selkirk74 t1_iw0oa5o wrote

More people go to Yellowstone and Glacier than the north cascades and not many people are getting killed by bears.


[deleted] t1_iw0ogv5 wrote



selkirk74 t1_iw0pcx8 wrote

I think they should reintroduce them as far as Northern California. Its their natural habitat.


CnD123 t1_iw0pk4z wrote

Who gives a shit? The ecology is just fine without them and they have thousands of miles of territory in North America already


backflips_everyday t1_iw0szhq wrote

Lol did you really just try to make a NIMBY argument about bear that EAT people? That’s a really bad analogy, do you realize you just compared grizzly bears to minorities and poor people?


[deleted] t1_ivzz0aq wrote

not the bears fault if someone is a moron


Nothing_WithATwist t1_iw0b9sn wrote

I’ve heard wild animals sometimes attack non-morons as well.


CnD123 t1_iw0kj6y wrote

Not redditors who never actually go outside. The same ones who think this actually makes sense.


juiceboxzero t1_iw0ld89 wrote

Wild animals tend not to attack people who aren't in the wild.

Not that I'm saying you shouldn't go out into the wild - just that your desire to be in the wild doesn't give you the right to domesticate it.


[deleted] t1_iw0lt80 wrote



juiceboxzero t1_iw0m750 wrote

And yet here you are suggesting that we shouldn't repatriate a species that we (basically) removed from the area because it would make it more dangerous for us, as if WE are the purpose of nature.


[deleted] t1_iw0mewd wrote



juiceboxzero t1_iw0mmmm wrote

I know you think that's clever and all, but velociraptors don't actually exist.


CnD123 t1_iw0n4l7 wrote

Just like grizzlies in WA state. Move to rural BC and have a field day


juiceboxzero t1_iw0nbga wrote

If you want to do stuff outside, move to Texas and have a field day.


[deleted] t1_iw0nlpc wrote



juiceboxzero t1_iw0ny9q wrote

I'm literally just parroting your argument back to you, in the hopes that you realize how stupid it is.

Your argument is really "humans are the superior species and therefore we have the right to do whatever we want to all other species, so fuck 'em" and I just wish you'd own that.


CnD123 t1_iw0oa0d wrote

That is not my argument. My argument is that we decided years ago that is in our region's best interest to not have grizzlies.

Sorry, your side lost.


juiceboxzero t1_iw0opa5 wrote

>My argument is that we decided years ago that is in our region's best interest to not have grizzlies.

That's the same argument.


SpunkyRadcat t1_iw0pmma wrote

There's a difference between reintroducing an animal native to an area who only lost that area due to human interference, and an animal that went extinct due to natural selection.

Also velociraptors weren't native to our region anyway. They were Asian, and Jurassic Park lied to you. If you want to read more about dinosaurs in WA here's a link.


[deleted] t1_iw0pv7d wrote



SpunkyRadcat t1_iw0yw5n wrote

You know Grizzly bears are in Yellowstone which is one of the biggest tourist locations in the US. And yet when looking it up, they result in only about one injury every 5 years. According to this the chances of being attacked by a Grizzly bear in Yellowstone is 1 in 2.7 million.

I know you're gonna say, "Well this is somewhere else! Not here in WA!" but if we're gonna make decisions we need to look at similar situations. And the data shows they're not as big a threat as y'all are making them out to be.

Be respectful, be aware of your surroundings, and you'll be fine. Nature isn't some human exclusive playground where anything potentially dangerous to us needs to die.


[deleted] t1_iw19vql wrote

Usually non-morons are prepared and have bear spray in bear country, etc


Dr_Marcus_Brody1 t1_iw06dhd wrote

More idiots get killed, therefore leaving more natural land for the wildlife that call it home. I love it.