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Deprecitus t1_iwf4rrz wrote

Nice job jumping to stereotypes and insults.

Just looked it up and the US isn't even in the top 10 in gun deaths per Capita. It's mostly South American countries.


yellandtell t1_iwf4z05 wrote

And it's not name calling, just a fact. Rednecks are obsessed with guns. I just looked it up and rednecks are in fact obsessed with guns.


Deprecitus t1_iwf5cyy wrote

As someone who is not a redneck, I see guns as valuable tools.


yellandtell t1_iwf623m wrote

Redneck is a state of mind....not a race. Trust me, based on your comment and poorly thought out logic, you'd be a redneck.


Deprecitus t1_iwf6zw6 wrote

I'm Asian, live on the west side, and I vote liberally.

Definitely not a redneck.


yellandtell t1_iwf81pu wrote

Definitely a redneck based on your a Texan I recognize that redneck is a state of mind and not a race.


Deprecitus t1_iwf89d5 wrote

Again, not a redneck. Not sure if you'd know one if it was right in front of you.

I'm sure that we agree on a lot of things.