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SpunkyRadcat t1_iwknibn wrote

It's one of those things that when you live elsewhere and you come over, it's not ugly, until you see it again, and again, and again, and again, and suddenly those gently rolling hills are obnoxious to look at and you're happy to go home.


KaesekopfNW t1_iwlost8 wrote

I don't know. I lived in Pullman for six years and never once got tired of the rolling hills. My last few weeks were spent taking in the final spring/early summer of the crops coming in, knowing I wouldn't be seeing that again for potentially a long time, if ever. I've also never seen a better sunset than on the Palouse.

To each their own.


Alternative-Eye-1993 t1_iwly0rx wrote

I mean just compared to the west side of the state with the lush green forest and beautiful scenery. I was always like β€œit’s hideous here (meaning eastern WA.)” haha


CheckmateApostates t1_iwql0ig wrote

Eastern Washington is very green north of Spokane. The Selkirk Mountains in the northeast corner are part of the inland temperate rainforest. The brown wasteland that we see during most of the year in central and eastern Washington are farms and rangeland that used to be prairie, semi-arid steppe, ponderosa pine shrub steppe, and forests.


goinupthegranby t1_iwmzfvj wrote

I'm from BC not too far from Spokane and I've done a trip strictly to explore central Washington and while it was a cool trip I have pretty low interest in repeating it. The Palouse is super pretty to me but draw to visit it just cuz? Nope.

Side note: the dirt road that follows the Snake south of Clarkston on the WA side of the river down to the Grande Ronde is a super cool area.


VersofCascadia t1_iwomh7p wrote

Hehehe you've been out past asotin! That place is the best part of eastern WA


goinupthegranby t1_iwotgfq wrote

I'm not from Washington but have spent 30 years of my life a 10 minute drive away from Ferry County and have seen a lot of the dry side and that area really is the best part of Eastern WA.