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cakeo48 t1_iwy6ka9 wrote

No it was filmed in England and they just post processed it to look like somewhere similar to like sun lakes.


Sure-Telephone3130 t1_iwzcknf wrote

According to a quick Google search, Andor was filmed entirely in the UK. These particular scenes were likely shot in Scotland.


Xbalanque_ t1_iwyqtr0 wrote

It does look like Dry Falls, at Sun Lakes/Dry Falls state park.


hubcapdiamonstar t1_iwzda0z wrote

I’m with ya, if someone told me it was filmed near Palouse falls or Rock lake I would believe it. What a great show.


goldenstar365 t1_ix1h426 wrote

I’d bet this was entirely cgi composited landscape based on Eastern Wa but probably other geological terrains too. Especially considering how Mandalorian was filmed.

Correction: looks like it might be Middle Peak quarry in Derbyshire.