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nebularvoyager OP t1_ixdpx0w wrote

Hey y’all, figured this was worth a shot, let me know if it’s not allowed but I gotta try. Stolen Sunday night from Bellingham area, very recognizable lifted on BFG K02’s. Had the orange recovery boards and a full size spare in the roof basket. Mt. baker sticker on the back window. Dents on both sides. Could be to Idaho by now but the more eyes that could spot something the better. Ring the police if seen and dm me. Will reward good info :) thank you all


cumulo_numbnuts t1_ixe7iep wrote

Might ask the gambler 500 Facebook group. They keep a keen eye out for stuff like this, and will probably see it if it's being sold.


Kessynder t1_ixegrxa wrote

I drive for a living Bellingham to Olympia. Ill keep a lookout.


justynebean t1_ixgzmmb wrote

Pretty certain I saw this in Arlington yesterday around 3:30 pm. I remember commenting to myself about the tires.


TC_UNDERFIRE t1_ixdzmoo wrote

It's a very unique vehicle, hopefully somebody will see it. I'll keep my eyes open in central WA for you.


Kawikami99336 t1_ixenxdg wrote

If you get it back, and I really hope you do, drop an air tag in a hard to find place in the car. I got my car back in 30 minutes with an air tag inside it.


martinvandepas t1_ixfn0yo wrote

What was the process of getting it back? Just get in and drive home?


Kawikami99336 t1_ixfnmil wrote

There was the matter of an unkempt gentleman who needed to be reminded that "Thou shalt not steal" and the disposal of meth and paraphernalia at my local law enforcement establishment. I told them he was not in favor of returning my automobile and i had to persuade him to cooperate. He didn't even have time to steal the stereo.


chaus_nomi t1_ixecrgd wrote

I will keep an eye out. I'm down in the south sound region. I have a 96 legacy outback and it has been stolen twice with multiple additional attempts since. Luckily I installed a hidden kill switch to the ignition that has remained hidden. I think there are people using shaved keys to get into them. First time mine was stolen they found it abandoned in Tacoma after someone busted my glove box open, trashed the inside and then used it to steal some items from a coffee stand. Cops towed it right away so i had to pay $300 to get it back and it was clear someone had been probably living in it. Took a while to clean the inside out again. The second time mine got stolen, the cops found it about a month later parked right up the street from where i lived at the time. There was no evidence that it had even been taken. I am guessing someone used it to car prowl and then ditched it. I hope you get it yours back and it's undamaged! If you do then you should definitely consider wiring I'm a kill switch. It was very easy and has worked great to prevent additional thefts from occurring.


Justvibing90 t1_ixfcytj wrote

You had to pay to retrieve your stolen vehicle? Now that's some BS


chaus_nomi t1_ixfeezh wrote

Yeah I was pretty pissed they didn't call me before having it towed. I could have come and picked it up from where they found it.


Justvibing90 t1_ixg37fp wrote

Yeah no shit! But the fact you pay is just asinine. Like my car was stolen... and now I have to pay to unfuck myself after already getting fucked? Seems legit 🤙


huy- t1_ixfksro wrote

After mine got stolen and recovered I was using the key recovered with it — just a shaved down Subaru key. I installed an ignition kill switch in the glove box and kept it locked


watchyourfeet t1_ixeslt9 wrote

Was this stolen from a couple blocks uphill from the park and ride? Pretty sure I saw it but that may have been pre- theft.


unclestinky3921 t1_ixeepiq wrote

Bump! I hope you get it back all together.


GoCougs2020 t1_ixfb04y wrote

I always likes to admire cool rigs. I’ll keep an eye out for ya, here in the Spokane area.


zthompz t1_ixgchx9 wrote

I commute daily from Mason to Jefferson. I’ll keep my eyes peeled down here too.


Juniperlead t1_ixhbyi1 wrote

Aw man, was this the one that was parked at Shilshole last summer?