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rosesandpiglets t1_iyogsv8 wrote

Unfortunately antibiotics are uselessness against the Flu and RSV


dripdri t1_iyoh6uf wrote

Peachy. Thank you for reminding me.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iyozi6c wrote

Well usually they’re prescribed for the secondary infections like sinusitis or bronchitis.


los-gokillas t1_iz1czs8 wrote

Are solid for secondary infections like bronchitis or pneumonia though


Midnight_Moon29 t1_iyou5m4 wrote

What about a z-pack? Isn't that one for viruses?


rosesandpiglets t1_iyouh0s wrote

There are antivirals like Tamiflu that when administered quickly lessens the impact, but they don’t do much for someone on their 6th day sick.


DangerousMusic14 t1_iyovu8n wrote

Z-pack is zuxhromician, aka Zithromax, an antibiotic which won’t help a virus unless you end up with a secondary infection.

If you have the flu, they may prescribe Tamiflu, an antiviral for the flu. If you have RSV, they’ll treat symptoms but no antiviral is available AFAIK.

If you haven’t tested for COVID, I would do so. You can receive antibody and antiviral treatment for COVID and your symptoms certainly could be that.

Hope you’re on the mend soon <3


Nothing_WithATwist t1_iyp5rv2 wrote

I’m pretty sure z-packs are Azithromycin. I know Zithromax is a name brand, but what is “zuxhromician”? Regardless, you’re correct that it is an antibiotic and should not/hopefully will not be prescribed for viral infections. Physicians of the past really did this country a disservice by handing those out left and right. Nothing can convince my mother that they will not help with a virus :/


DangerousMusic14 t1_iypo8ln wrote

Apologies, my vision isn’t great and I had a serious auto-correct fail. It started to pick up the name and then didn’t.