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Deprecitus t1_izt5yix wrote

How is that any different from just not owning one voluntarily?


AleshiniaLivesStill t1_izttiag wrote

Because suicidal people aren’t always thinking clearly when the great abyss calls and this is something they could submit on a different day when they aren’t feeling necessarily like self-harm. I think this is a great idea. Can it be misused? Def. I could definitely see some virtue signaling and Facebook bragging by people who would never buy one anyway, but for people who would only buy one to off themselves it’s a great option.


ZipZopDipDoopyDop t1_izut0my wrote

Yeah as a person who has been suicidal and can't buy one of my own volition I'd feel a lot better if they had given me the choice to voluntarily not be able to buy one. I'd feel like I have a lot more agency.


DeaditeMessiah t1_izt6fek wrote

You could still change your mind if shit gets rough.


CaspinLange t1_iztciwe wrote

It’s cool for those who have suicidal thoughts.

My housemate brought his guns to his best friend’s house this year and told her to keep them because he was in a low place.


[deleted] t1_izt7vp8 wrote

This is completely useless. Now people who would never buy a gun can virtue signal and tell their friends that the banned themselves from buying a gun? Okay…it was always okay to not buy a gun. And there’s a 7 day wait to revoke it? There’s already a 10 day wait on “assault weapons” in Washington. And up to 10 day wait for pistol purchases. This is feel good BS that doesn’t actually do anything useful.


Alhazzared t1_iztp18p wrote

Well I'm bipolar. I'd ban myself from guns. So I couldn't just go buy a shotgun in an episode in a single day and remove the top of my head. I think it's a good idea.


DeapPurple t1_izts0p3 wrote

I love guns and own many. I thought this sounded completely stupid. You make a great point, this totally should be a thing.


ApollosBucket t1_izu6c2f wrote

Eh disagree. It could help prevent self harm for people who know they can fall into suicidal thoughts and make rash decisions.


shooketh_not_stireth t1_iztnm5c wrote

And you can walk in and out with a manual action rifle in as much time as it takes a background check to clear. This isn't something that's going to stop a mass shooting, but if someone's feeling the tug of the abyss, it could be what they need at that moment.

As long as this isn't something that law enforcement starts pressuring people into, I'm fine with this.


sleeknub t1_iztjkuq wrote

That’s what most politics is these days, it seems.


cromulent_nickname t1_izui4ee wrote

I know this is Reddit but I scanned the article and it looks like this is for people who know they have a mental illness to protect themselves when they may not be thinking clearly. That’s it. It’s not some super cure for mass shootings or gun violence and it was never intended to be so.

Anyway, y’all can get back to your galaxy brain comments now.


gambinesh t1_izunchj wrote

Yeah fair enough. I didn't read very much of it. Then again - usually I never find these worth reading. But my bad nonetheless.


InstanceMental6543 t1_izuqms9 wrote

Exactly. Mental illness doesn't cause mass shootings anyways.


Roadtechatlarge t1_izved47 wrote

Wrong on that, every mass shooter has a history of mental illness and/or use of mental health med’s.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iztd8sz wrote

“If you don’t believe in abortion then don’t have one”


MarmotMossBay t1_izujh71 wrote

That’s not really the law of the land anymore though is it.

But those who suffer from mental illness, are likely not thinking clearly when they seek a firearm. Since mental illness does not make purchasing ( unless you’ve been involuntarily committed )weapons illegal, it’s prudent to be proactive.


kurukkuku t1_izumqn9 wrote

I don't believe in armed robbery. Can I ban it, or should I just abstain?


MojoLava t1_iztvbm0 wrote

I'm curious on the reversal process - I believe in the right to own guns but I've had a few suicidal episodes and would appreciate making it more difficult to obtain one. Lot of cynicism in this comment section...


shaggy908 t1_izu6421 wrote

From the article:

> If they change their mind, they have to wait seven days before the county can revoke it.

So if you sign up then you can reverse it following a seven day waiting period. I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with this. It would affect nobody except those who want it.


MojoLava t1_izu6aho wrote

Word, I didn't read it so I was just weighing in on a surface level. That doesn't seem a bad thing in any way to me.


gambinesh t1_iztcoh8 wrote

[This turned into a vent. Delete it if you want. Or don't. ]

There is this ass hole in a lifted black dodge who follows his fellow fuck face in a white dodge Challenger up our private drive at 3am and jiggles the handles on our homes. My mail box gets broken into regularly. My car has been forcefully ran off the road twice with my young children with me. Meanwhile the sheriff is never able to make the time to deal with it. I have a family of coyotes who live around us. Wolf's. Other wildlife that can be dangerous.

The world is not black and white. You do not support mass shootings just because you purchase the tools needed to survive in your situation. These folks are following a trend. None of this will help reduce shootings.

Mental health resources, education, and extended responsibility for gun violence might help. In fact, it is impossible to get mental health support in Pierce county. Maybe pump some effort into that. Might also be more effective than the failed war on drugs.

And while we're on social justice topics - homeless guy was around the other day. 7 miles from any town. He noticed a lot of litter and started to clean. Asked if I could donate some garbage bags for him to use to pick up. He cleaned the whole road. You know who dumps out here? The same trash humans who are always hung up about homeless people. The same people who blame homeless for all of the trash on the road. The same people addicted to meth in their trailer. The same people in their lifted black trucks trying to steal childrens Christmas presents.

All of this shit on the news and social media is just a giant fucking farce. I'm tired of being manipulated.


mechaemissary t1_izuftxp wrote

As someone from rural pierce county you definitely 100% should get tf out of rural pierce county it’ll make you feel so much better and safer. Sounds like a Spanaway or Eatonville situation


gambinesh t1_izumwfl wrote

Oh spanaway. How I hate driving through you.


molotov_billy t1_izue0i4 wrote

Super fucked up that you think a gun is the correct “tool” to solve all of these issues.


gambinesh t1_izumum7 wrote

Nah. Didn't say that. But it is a tool that may be necessary with some of these issues. If they come in my home and put my family at risk? Sheriff response time out here is 60 minutes+. Yesterday they triggered an alarm trying to get in a house. Seems like mailbox, to porch pirate, to breaking and entering is a obvious escalation. You expect me to sit for 60 min and wait while my family is harmed? Nah.

If there is no way to move to a safe space or ward off a wild animal? Don't get me wrong - we live in harmony with the wildlife around us and our animals (cow, horses, chickens) are pets - not food. But it can be very unpredictable out here and even a tool that is used as a last resort is still a necessary tool to have.

What's super fucked is you can't see past your own world view to understand that it may not fit every other.


molotov_billy t1_izuoqug wrote

Right, so then distill your argument down to actual valid points - not fear of coyotes (and it’s cute that you think you’ll ever be able to bag a coyote that’s taking your chickens so long as you own a gun) or the idea that having a gun in the car will prevent someone else’s aggressive driving.

If those are actual, real talking points for you then you’re either a straight up coward or just someone looking for an excuse to kill something.


gambinesh t1_izuxzwa wrote

Dude - you done making accusations and inserting your own bias into what I said? Or do you really think I owe you anything? I said my peace. Totally open to you asking questions to see if you can understand my perspective but I'm not going to engage when you have already made up your mind.


molotov_billy t1_izuyfe1 wrote

Let’s be real, those dead kids get plenty of sympathy - but who’s advocating for the chickens?


zi_ang t1_izuw9um wrote

Well I came to the US from somewhere with much less freedom. And I’ll say I will NOT ban myself from having anything. It sounds disgusting (almost as if encouraging people to become sheeples)

If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one, but don’t give up your own rights voluntarily. Why do you want to let the government have the satisfaction?


PineappleTreePro t1_izvzs9c wrote

I like the concept but in the other direction. Allowing people to fill out a form to give themselves rights.

ie: Right to possess, grow, trade, and use cannabis and any psychedelic.


Petya2022 t1_izvd07v wrote

There could be something to this. Years ago, my adult sister brought a handgun to me and said she was afraid what she might do. She had gone through a divorce and worried it might be a quick way out of her pain. I took the pistol and gave it to the local police. She died last year at age 78 from natural causes. I’m glad she had enough concern for herself and others to take the appropriate step. It took courage. I don’t know how one puts that into law. We can make gunshop owners into psychologists but I’m sure someone could draw up a series of questions to be asked of someone purchasing a weapon.


[deleted] t1_izt6jcb wrote



MissElision t1_izt7fq7 wrote

Fourth paragraph or so of the article "If they change their mind, they have to wait seven days for the county to revoke it."

Yes, mentally ill people can actually have this foresight. If I still lived in Washington, I'd absolutely do this. I have short periods of mania and depression where I've been tempted to commit suicide. This extends that waiting period by a substantial amount for the person to change their mind and seek help.


shooketh_not_stireth t1_iztn6k4 wrote

That's fair. As long as this remains a voluntary tool and isn't used in a coercive fashion.

Imo, there should also be a voluntary temporary surrender w/mandatory waiting period for return of firearms.

People go through tough times. Might be them, might be someone in their home. They shouldn't be forced to choose between losing their right to own and keep firearms and getting the help they need when they need it.


MissElision t1_izu4t32 wrote

As far as I understand, this measure in all the states it's used in has no penalty or flag with it. So it wouldn't impact them negatively in the future at all. It's also 100% personal choice so it cannot be forced on someone, merely suggested.

There are many gun ranges that will rent low cost long term storage. I've known many people who have done so when they have someone in the home who can't be around guns.


[deleted] t1_izt8ew1 wrote



MissElision t1_izt8zei wrote

In many cases, suicide is a snap decision. Of all my attempts, the longest planning period was three days. Seven days is quite a while to seek help/back down. The article also discusses that they think it needs more work and want to expand upon it. But that it's a start for those who are worried about gun access.


HelenAngel t1_izuwae2 wrote

I was excited to sign myself up for this until I saw they’re going to “beef up” the law with penalties if a person puts themselves on the list then tries to buy. I just want to be stopped, not get in trouble if one of my alters does it. I have professionally diagnosed dissociative identity disorder.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_iztr94v wrote

Can you voluntarily and contractually surrender a Constitutional Right? If I agree to surrender a right how will I be punished if I chose to exercise it later? Can I sell my constitutional right to not be enslaved or practice my religion? I think not. Can I give away my right to free speech?
